Operation Flow effectives- A system Approach to measuring Flow Performance Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Operation Flow effectives- A system Approach to measuring Flow Performance Case Solution

Basically, the flow of product in operation management is the effective handling of the inventory and the resources along with the demand and supply to reduce the system friction that may affects the operation in the long term. It can be said that SEF also makes the part of modern OMS, however it lacks the holistic approach of two performance making it void in the modern implementation.

The research also discusses the research design adopted that fools the realist approach to gauge the effect and impact of the given factors. In addition, it has been outlined, that the optimistic approach has not been used due to the proper definition of the term. However, the data has been undeveloped by the 10 companies using the OMS process.

It has been assumed that since the data is limited so the researches are limited in number, the size 10 has been selected to gauge the implementation of the OMS. In addition the qualitative and quantitative approach both have been used to support the facts and to overcome the issues that may increase due to the limited data availability.

Since qualitative data collects the abstract findings, it becomes easier for the researchers to conclude and gauge the findings based on the assumption and the personal observations. Apart from this, the article also outlines the researches limitation, which includes the limited research, development support and the operation function understanding, which creates a gap in understanding the effect of the OMS on the organization.


The paper also illustrates the example of the retail industry reduces the unwanted operations and infective actions from 30 percent to 10 percent. Though, it effects the industry as well, however, it has excels in the industries like aerospace through HVM.

The author outlines that, HVM is the high value manufacturing, which uses the effective expertise leading edge technology and expertise to create the valuable products for the customers that in return allows the organization to sustain in the market and maintain its position in the changing economic downturn especially in UK. These firms includes the activities such as Research and Development at one end to recycle at the other end, capturing the full resource value and offering the highest optimum production output.

Lastly, the article outlines the data analysis and the findings, which entail the data collected in 28 weeks about the material flow. The findings conclude the factors such as quality, product and cost as the main factor or resources spent on offering the customer quality product and maintaining the standards.

It also entails the impact of cultural teams and the technical expertise that allows the organizations to offer the performing products in the market. Moreover, the three systems have been defined in the article namely; the supply chain system, technical system and social system that have different communication style and information flow. Perhaps it is important for the staff to have sound knowledge of the procedures, as it lead to efficiency and effective handling of the operations...............



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