This scenarioaccentuates whether Litehouse Foods will switch its signature creamy salad dressings from glass to plastic packaging.The essential figure in the case is Doug Hawkins Jr., the company's Senior Business Development Manager (Advertising lead).The business, which is one of three important players nationwide in the refrigerated salad dressing market, has been selling its dressings and these glass jars are thought a vital element in how consumers think concerning the Litehouse brand. Two of Litehouse Foods' adversaries have lately switched to plastic, however, and this has helped them achieve an important price advantage over Litehouse at retail.
Switching to plastic jars would conserve Litehouse $1.5 million/year and enable it into narrowing the comparative price advantage opened by competitors. Doug must provide a recommendation to the organization’s executive that considers the cost savings possible of plastic against the worthiness of the glass packaging. Complicating this choice will be the external implications of a switch from glass to plastic, both actual and perceived, along with how a change only at that time would mesh together with the company's recently launched growth tactic.
This is just an excerpt. This case is about SALES & MARKETING