Leadership plan and LAST analysis Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Last Analysis-1

The average ratings received from the subordinates, co-workers, leaders, friends and from my own perspectivearedetailedin the separate table.

Average of Task Focused leadership
The average total rating under focused leadership is 4.14 out of 5, which depicts the level of focus and keen observation in developing a rationale over the matters. Itrepresents that over the period of tenure, I have been really successful in managing my subordinatedtasks by offering the clear vision and goals to be accomplished in a particular period of time.
It also portrays that my co-workers and my friends who interact with me professionally and non-professionally take me asa well-managed and well-task orientedleader.This might be because of the leadingqualities to offer a precise view of the goals to be achieved through proper communication.
Also, the otherleader’smatches my own assessment, which represents that I still have to work more on the particulartraits as these two ratings are coming from people not related to me, and hence are unbiased.

Relationship Focused Leadership
• The ratings received is 4.36, which is great as themajorityof theplayers have given me above 4 ratings.
• This shows that I have been a goodleader in developing andmaintaining therelationship with the subordinates, coworkersand friends.
• It describes that I have good communication skillsand that makes the playersdeal withease while working under my leadership.It also portrays that I empower and offer ease of communication to the people to speak their minds out without any prejudicesthusmakes me a democraticleader.
• The ratings also represents the level of relationship with eachplayerwhich outlines that with the change in leadershipdimension the levelof performance also changes.
Leadership plan and LAST analysis Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Humble Leadership
• The overall ratings receivedis 4.29, in which the highest ratings are given by the subordinates, though it includes the element ofbiases, yet it describes the leading abilities to make people talk andcommunicate without the fear of being scolded.
• It shows that since I always looked at myself as a democratic leader, I listen toevery employee and helpeach of them in solving their problems in their daily work.
• It also outlines that I don't use the power of my position to imposeor reinforce anything on other people but in factI utilize my rationale and communication skill to make things work along with the offeringof thesolution to other people.

Team Leadership
• Under the team-leadership, I received 4.20 out of 5 ratings. Theseratingsportray that to somelevel I have beensuccessful in achievingmygoal to empower my team and helped in developingteam synergy.
• Also, itshows that not only in theoffice but by virtue I have empowered and involved people in decisionmaking, but also motivated them to work and putmoreeffortin the direction to reach the final results.
• The subordinates, coworkers, leader and friendsallhave rated me above 4 that meansin a 360-view I have accomplished the goalandexcelledinmy team-leadership skills.................

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