Leadership and Implementation of Change Management: the impact of it on Generation Y Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Many authors have further emphasized that all organizations in today’s era are currently undergoing a change of any nature or type which may arise from management fads, culture change, new business processes, empowerment or more. She believes that other reasons for organizations to change may be their need to reposition themselves, when competition arises. Changes that reposition the organization are often called strategic changes,  as they change the mechanisms of the company completely (Balogun, 2008).

It also identifies that these changes are not easy to apply and that changing programs often have a very low success rate mainly because of the resistance shown towards them by the employees. The resistance to change has many dynamics, rather than simply being considered dysfunctional and irrational. As studies have shown, most of the changes are biased towards the contender’s view of change if any obstacles or barriers are set up in a negative light. In view of leadership, this is a new concept as facing resistance and overcoming is one of the major factors a leader has to overcome in order to prove their leadership skills (JEFFREY D. FORD, 2008).

Transformational Leadership has been found to have an impact on change management practices and they even seem to generate higher levels of commitment. This shows the importance of leadership upon managing change and within the realm of change, commitment holds a separate specific importance as commitment is more than simply having a positive attitude rather it includes the employees' willingness to work for the successful implementation of the change and sustain it in the long term. It further stresses the importance of leadership producing this effect by viewing change commitment as a psychological alignment with or attached to the change and not simply accepting it or agreeing with it (Steven Caldwell, 2008). A longitudinal study was conducted which examined the effects of leadership and a change in management and their findings suggest that the success of a change depends largely upon the leader and how they perceive the change and process it. In terms of mergers, the responsibility falls upon the leader who should be trained and make sure that the organization accepts the process of change including the individuals (Ashkanasy, 2006).

Leading change gives rise to the notion that change is created by the leaders and from their philosophy as they harvest a vision to grow their organizations; they create changes then lead with it. Whilst others dwell on the phenomena of change because they need to regulate their organizations and may need to dwell in it as their competitors are doing so. This illustrates the deep relationship between leadership and change management as these two are interrelated with one’s success or failure depends on the other’s success or failure (JG., 2004).

With a clear understanding of leadership, changed management and the relationship between them formed; it is also imperative to understand the phenomena of generation Y. Generation Y consists of the employees having been born in the 80’s or 90’s era and they are equipped with new technology, immune to the traditional marketing glitches and have access to the whole world of knowledge. Whereas, generation X grew up in a more traditional environment with limited access to technology. In terms of management and leadership, Nayar views that generation Y with the capability of using the social media and gathering all possible relevant information also has the curse of being generally dissatisfied with the established status quo and lack of commitment. In order to engage them in work, different methods need to be used which have their own dynamics. Change as mentioned above cannot be successful without the commitment shown from employees and if the dynamics of the work force are not understood then they could not be led to a successful change (Nayar, 2013). Dulin has also found that understanding the leader and subordinate relationship is very important and leaders must recognize the needs of their employees and the specific era need of theirs (Dulin, 2008).

Overall, a deep understanding of how the different aspects of leadership can have an impact on change management, whist keeping a focus on leading and bringing about a change on the generation Y workers is discussed. What are the different aspects of leadership? The dynamics of change management are analyzed with interrelation regarding the effects of one upon the other. This is done in the context of dealing with generation Y which has a completely different set of mechanisms and the way it should be dealt with.....................................

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