Improvement in Supply Chain Management with RFID Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Improvement in Supply Chain Management with RFID Case Solution


In the past decades, boom of Information Technology (IT) has made an impact on the world. The pace of innovations thus, remained tremendous in these years. These innovations have developed for the purpose of making our lives convenient and its appropriate usage in the organizations accommodated the businesses with the facility of maintaining the business worldwide. Similarly, for the purpose of real-time, streaming data-gathering technologies, live, and decision support system (DSS) organizations needed a system that can manage all the activities at one place. With the innovation of RFID, organizations have received an incredible solution for the millions of transactions in a single surface.

RFID make use of electromagnetic fields that identify and track tags automatically that are attached with objects. The electronic information thus, interprets through the tags. These tags can be recognized from a faraway place. Unlike Barcode, tags are not required to be sight for the RFID. RFID has developed as the one method of Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC). There are numerous uses of RFID in different industries and in the different activities of Supply Chain Management. In automobiles, it is used to track the progress of assembly line. Pharmaceuticals also use RFID to track the warehouses. Large businesses get more advantage from implementing RFID. Its deployment supply chain activities can easily managed by the companies. It has supported business to develop their products in the different categories with the large quantity worldwide. RFID would manage all of the activities required to monitor, deliver, and purchase transaction of the end user.

RFID is also used to identify animals positively. In livestock and pets, positive evaluation can be achieved through RFID. Moreover, it is also used to track the transactions of cash, clothing, and other possessions. These tags can be attached with the people and animals for the purpose of identification. However, attachment of these chips to the personally-linked information can cause severe issues. Hence, the security concerns can be raised through its implementation.

 RFID has progressed industries with the appropriate and tactical usage of it in their upstream processes in distribution channels, raw material delivery point, and warehouses. It has supported the downstream of the business exercising upon wholesaling stores, retailing stores, and other distribution channels till the end user as well.

RFID in Supply Chain Management

Information flows and data synchronization in the organizations have become convenient through RFID implementation. A vast deployment of RFID is observed in the field of Supply Chain management.

Supply chain Management

Supply Chain Management deals with the transfer of raw materials into processed goods to the end consumer. It involves process of ordering raw materials or the semi finished goods from suppliers to manufacture a product or assemble the parts to prepare a product. Moreover, the finished goods thus, transferred to the distributors through transportation and then, transported to the distributors. Hence, it finally reaches to the end users that are the consumers of the products. It deals with the different parties that are involved in the Supply Chain process that belongs to the different region or countries.

The information flow is essential component of the supply chain management. It surpassed through its contributors performance that are distributors, manufacturers, suppliers, and customers................

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