Ideal Organization Harvard Case Solution & Analysis



Organizational behavior is the behavior of the individuals in an organization within formal and informal groups. The study, which evaluates these traits of individuals in an organization, can be referred as organizational behavior. The performance of any organization is heavily and mainly dependent upon the individual that are working inside the environment of the organization. The motivational levels, willingness and ability of the people to work harmoniously and professionally towards achieving and accomplishing the shared goals are the main objective of any organization, belonging to any industry(Saha, 2006) .


The environment of the businesses nowadays is ever changing. Due to the rapid changes occurring in the dimensions of different business industries there has been an increase in the complexity levels of the work of managers, and their work and output is of more importance now. The workload and responsibilities of the manager have increased the level of their importance in the organizations. In order to manage and supervise the changed dimension of the working trends, to evaluate and perform up to the standards, while the level of complexity increasing related to the workforce, a number of studies have been developed to understand them. One area of study that has increased over a short time span is the study of the organizational behavior.

The study efficiently indicates that how can the organization successfully examine a diversified workforce in a number of scenarios that are occurring and faced by organizations in their respective industries. Organizational Behavior helps the supervisors and the managers to a satisfactory level, in order to deal with different situations and employees. The importance of organizational behavior is not limited to certain department, as it runs through the whole organization such as marketing, human resource, finance etc. These are all just different functional departments of any organization. Organizational behavior exists on a much bigger scale than these departments collectively.


The performance of any organization depends heavily on the performance of their employees and how efficiently they function within the organization with respect to their duties. The employees in the organization should be meeting their individual goals and they should adequately contribute to the aims and objectives of the organization effectively.The high performance standards of the employees of the organization can result in leading the overall growth of the organization.

The organizations can efficiently use the MBO (Management by Objective) process to contain and sustain their performance standards of their employees; this can efficiently lead companies towards continuously increasing their growth patterns. The process of the management by objective can adequately enable the company to maintain the level of job performance in the company. The companies can strictly implement the six stages of the process throughout the organization to sustain and increase the level of job performance with the changing dimensions, increasing workload and responsibilities over their manager.

MBO (Management by Objective):

The companies can follow the six step process of Management by Objective through which they will be able to successfully integrate their managerial activities in much more efficient systematic manner. The integration of significant managerial activities with the system of the organizations leads the organizations towards effective and efficient attainment of individual and organizational goals.

The organization is aware of the importance of the process in increasing the job performance standards of the organization. The six step process followed by the organization to increase their efficiency in achieving higher level of individual and organizational goals. The process is as follows;

Define Organizational Goals

The goals of the organization play a critical role in the growth and survival of the organization. The goals of the organization should be efficiently communicated to the individuals of the organization by the different level of managers in the organization. A strong analysis and judgment must be done by the organization through which they would be able to set the goals of the organization. Followed by the analysis of the goals, organizations should make sure that the set of organizational goals is communicated to their employees...........................

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