In this report, we attempt to discuss the process of the design, implementation and the current environment of the firewall VPN project that has been effective at Sunrise Inc. Firstly, we have reviewed and summed up the current work done by the other researchers and organizations in implementing such projects in their organizations and the simulated situations. The goals and the associated objectives of the project were to develop a firewall VPN that would connect Sunrise Inc. to the internet and allow its branches to overcome all sorts of business challenges, allowing for the sharing of information and firm resources remotely. This is depicted in appendix B. The second objective was to prevent false cyber security incidents within the organization. However, the latter has not been fully achieved and currently, network security has been enhanced and it is now more feasible to share the information and resources of the organization with remotely connected members of the organization. Since, a vast majority of the projects of VPN had made use of the Enhanced Waterfall SDLC, therefore, we also implemented this methodology and this comprised of the six different phases as depicted in appendix A and which are as follows (SDLC, 2018):
- Logical design.
- Physical design.
- Operating and Maintenance.
There are also a number of other reasons due to which, the SDLC methodology had been implemented. These are discussed in this report in great detail.
Firewall Vpn Solution Report Harvard Case Solution & Analysis
Review of Other Work
Virtual Private Network or VPN for short, means many things to different people,however, for the sake of simplicity of this research report, we define VPN as a series of devices or network devices, which are used to interconnect branches in separate cities that are separated by the geographies(Bourque, 2017). It can also be used to connect remote users back to the home network and allow them to use the resources of the firm from remote locations(Agarwal, 2005).
In order to enable this functionality, the VPN makes use of the two interface network cards. One of the cards is connected to the intranet network of the organization and the other card is connected to the public network. All the staff members that are connected to the VPN network through the internet find a VPN firewall server and this allows them to connect to the corporate intranet(Bourdoucen, 2009).
VPN is basically the use of encryption technology in which, it makes use of the common link for encapsulating data communication channels that transmit the data on the public internet. The main factors as reviewed in the other research studies on firewall VPN, that impact on the performance of this system are software, hardware, algorithm and the security services(Bourdoucen, 2009).
Many external studies have been performed on the impacting aspect of the firewall VPNs(CNBC, 2017). One of the research studies discussed the choice of the VPN technologies that are used and it also discussed the associated algorithm that impacted on the performance of the network. This study had proved that VPN protocols provide the firms with different performances for a different set of combinations of algorithms...............
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