Firewall VPN Solution Proposal Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Proposal Overview

The problem summary, IT solution and the implementation plan for the Firewall VPN project is as follows:

Problem Summary

Sunrise Inc. is a retail company with over 1000 employees. They have been using the shared public insecure infrastructure like the internet for their network connections. However, the shared public insecure infrastructure has not proved to be secure for the members of the organization that work remotely with the organization. Therefore, the management of Sunrise Inc. wants toprovide a secured and reliable connection to company resources by investing in a firewall VPN to allow their employees and contractors to have remote access to company resources. They also want to prevent any falsecyber security incidents by investing in a firewall VPN solution.

IT Solution

The proposed solution to the IT problem faced by Sunrise the development of a successfully operational Firewall VPN security system. We would first review and sum up the current work done by the other researchers and organizations in implementing such projects in their organizations and the simulated situations.

The goals and the associated objectives of the project are to develop a firewall VPN that would connect Sunrise Inc. to the internet and allow its branches to overcome all sorts of business challenges, allowing for the sharing of information and firm resources remotely. This is depicted in appendix B. The second objective is to prevent false cyber security incidents within the organization. As a result of this IT solution, the network security would be enhanced and it would be more feasible to share the information and resources of the organization with remotely connected members of the organization.

Implementation Plan

The firewall VPN project would be implemented in 60 days or 2 months and there are different phases for the implementation and the completion of the project. These are as follows (SDLC, 2018):

  • Logical design.
  • Physical design.
  • Operating and Maintenance.

During the analysis phase, a high level view would be created to define the goals and objectives of the project, in logical design phase operations,a feature would be described in detail, during physical design phase, the real code would be written, then there would be the actual implementation which would take place within the special testing environment and then in the testing phase, the code would be tested in various levels of software testing. Finally, there would be the operation and maintenance phase that would continue for the rest of the life of the project.

The final project deliverables that would be delivered at the end of the project would be as follows:

  • The completely operational firewall VPN.
  • Documentation of the network.
  • User training and manuals for the VPN network.

Review of Other Work

Virtual Private Network or VPN for short, means many things to different people, however, for the sake of simplicity of this research report, we define VPN as a series of devices or network devices, which are used to interconnect branches in separate cities that are separated by geographies(Bourque, 2017). It can also be used to connect remote users back to the home network and allow them to use the resources of the firm from remote locations(Agarwal, 2005)...................

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