Final Group Project (Rosa Damascena Mill) Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Final Group Project (Rosa Damascena Mill) Case Solution

Project Synopsis

Expanding EcoScent Beauty's International Presence

In this comprehensive project, EcoScent Beauty, a natural beauty brand, explores the strategic expansion of its product line, Rosa Damascena Mill-infused perfumes and creams, into international markets. The project is divided into two main parts, each focused on critical aspects of market analysis and entry strategy.

Market Selection and Analysis

The project begins with a meticulous evaluation of potential target markets for EcoScent Beauty's products. After a thorough analysis of various countries, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany are chosen as favorable target markets based on key success factors. These factors include climate alignment, consumer preferences, competitive landscapes, regulatory compliance, and market trends. Each country presents a unique set of opportunities and challenges, making them suitable choices for market expansion.

Developing an International Business Entry Strategy

This phase delves into the strategic planning required for successful market entry. Detailed strategies are formulated for each target country, focusing on product positioning, pricing strategies, distribution plans, and promotional approaches tailored to local preferences. Assumptions about production locations, financial aspects, and production capacities are made to support market entry decisions. Fieldwork is conducted to gather critical data, and a comprehensive budget is created, accounting for expenses related to market research, compliance, marketing campaigns, and distribution.

The project concludes by emphasizing the importance of effective implementation, monitoring, and adaptation of the entry strategies. Key strategic moves, such as local adaptation, customer relationship management, and innovation, are highlighted as essential for long-term success. Anticipating future developments and addressing potential risks through a contingency plan ensures a robust market entry strategy.

This project equips EcoScent Beauty with a well-informed and comprehensive plan to expand its international presence, tapping into the growing demand for natural and sustainable beauty products in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. Each country's unique characteristics and consumer preferences are leveraged to position the brand for success in the international beauty market.

Product Selection: Rosa Damascena Mill in Perfumes and Creams

Selecting the right product is the cornerstone of any international market entry strategy. In this case, we've chosen "Rosa Damascena Mill" as the primary ingredient for perfumes and creams. This decision is based on several critical factors.

Figure: 1 (Rosa Damascena Mill)

Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

The Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is a fundamental concept in marketing that defines what sets a product apart from its competitors. In this context, Rosa Damascena Mill offers several unique qualities that make it a compelling choice for perfumes and creams:

Exquisite Fragrance: Rosa Damascena Mill is renowned for its captivating fragrance. It possesses a unique and delightful scent that distinguishes it from other floral ingredients. This distinct aroma can become a signature element of our products, making them instantly recognizable and memorable to consumers.

Skin-Enhancing Qualities: Besides its aromatic attributes, Rosa Damascena Mill possesses inherent skincare advantages. It consists of natural elements with the potential to soothe, hydrate, and rejuvenate the skin. These qualities align perfectly with the surging demand for skincare solutions that nurture and enhance skin health.

Appeal: The distinct aroma and potential skincare advantages associated with Rosa Damascena Mill generate significant appeal across a diverse consumer spectrum. Enthusiasts of fragrances actively seek out unique and long-lasting scents, while those who prioritize skincare value products that contribute to their skin's overall well-being. By infusing our perfumes and creams with Rosa Damascena Mill, we cater to the desires of both these consumer groups.

Global Trend toward Natural and Organic Products:

Figure 2: (Growing Trend)

Recent times have witnessed a significant change in what consumers favor, leaning towards natural and organic beauty items. This transformation arises from multiple factors, and Rosa Damascena Mill seamlessly fits into this changing market scenario:

Heightened Consumer Awareness: Today's consumers are more attentive than ever to the contents of their skincare products. They actively search for products containing ingredients deemed safe, naturally sourced, and eco-friendly. Rosa Damascena Mill, as a natural floral extract, perfectly aligns with these preferences.

Environmental Considerations: Sustainability is a key concern for modern consumers. Rosa Damascena Mill's potential for local availability and sustainable sourcing is a significant advantage. Ethical and eco-friendly sourcing practices resonate with environmentally conscious consumers.

Skincare Revolution: The beauty industry has seen a surge in demand for skincare products that offer tangible benefits beyond aesthetics. Rosa Damascena Mill's skin-enhancing properties position it as an ingredient that can address these evolving consumer needs........

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