Environmental Sustainability Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Viability of sustainable development:

Despite the fact that it is clear that the development inside the current economic standard is naturally unsustainable, it is less clear whether the reception of sustainable advancement can spare our planet from ecological breakdown. Nations are forcefully attempting to fortify their economies and make new occupations while in the meantime; it is getting to be progressively evident that we direly need to address the reach of broad ecological issues.

In 2011, the International Resource Panel facilitated by the UN Environment Program (UNEP), cautioned that by 2050, mankind can be eating up 140 billion tons of minerals, fossil powers and minerals biomass for every year that is 3 times of its present rate of utilization. The report exhibited that the vast majority of this utilization originates from the created world (up to 40 or more tons for every individual in some created nations contrasted with a normal of four tons for every year for individuals in spots like India).

Some accept that a sustainable advancement can achieve a serious change. Sustainable advancement concentrates on decreasing the measure of obliged resources through enhanced services in the economy, planning about products and its designing, and innovation. Ecological sustainability emulates the biosphere and capacities as a major aspect of the biological system. By taking care of business, sustainability consolidates the idea of support to-support outline, which calculates the whole life cycle.

The Brundtland report argued and support economic growth. It is stated in the report that for the poor countries, growth in the economy is the mandatory element as they have to meet the demands of the country.

Incorporating the environment into the economic system:

For improvement to be positively sustainable, it must offset human welfare with the welfare of the planet. Sustainable advancement can dodge ecological debasement by incorporating nature into the economic framework. Environmental economists contend that the ecological corruption is a capacity of the disappointment of the business sector framework to put a worth on nature.

CBA) Cost Benefit Analysis and economic instruments offer several routes in which natural qualities can be consolidated into economic exercises. Economic instruments incorporate expenses and charges on polluters that expect to disguise natural expenses into the choices of organizations and people. This gives a motivating force to diminish environmental debasement.

There are various different ways through which nature's domain can be considered into our economic choice making. Measuring ecological harm incorporates the estimation of income lost through issues related to health and connected with contamination. It likewise incorporates social insurance and expenses connected with diminished rural yields.


Sustainable environment and development must be attained through the incorporation of strategies that associate or incorporate the environment, the economy along with the general public as well. These methods which are used in evaluating natural approaches, throws light on the fact that the long term effect ought to be seen from each of the three viewpoints; nature's turf, the general public and the economy. Approaching sustainability from a solitary measurement may demonstrate effectiveness in the short run, however; it may be expensive in the long run.

According to (Karlsson and Holmberg, 1992), the problems related to the environment have increased to a much larger extent and have led towards more complex situations. The complexity is increasing because of the global per capita increase in the energy demand (Johansson et al. 1993 and Lazarus 1993). In order to cope up with this, countries need to make some collective efforts globally in order to deal and gear these challenges......................................

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