Employee Retention Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


The articles evaluated are based on employee retention. They talk about traditional and new employee retention modes. The first article by Murray R. Barrick and Ryan D. Zimmerman is about hiring employees for retention and performance. The article represents a balanced view on both the sides of the picture. Firstly, the authors present hypothesis on certain variables that predict voluntary turnover along with job performance and secondly it researches through these variables by the help of survey technique to approve or disapprove the hypothesis. In addition to that, the author suggests areas for further improvement in the research and guides for the reader of the research limitations. A thorough study of pre-hire variables helped in assessing their relevance today. Furthermore, this research helped in tapping other variables that may contribute to voluntary turnover and job performance. The language used in this article by (Murray 2009) is clear, accurate and objective but it lacks redundancy.

The author has used various statistical tests, regression, correlation etc. to assess the pre-hire variables and their validity at present but failed to choose a representative sample for his research work. The sample is seen to be minority-biased and there is a logical flow of topics in the paper, which allows the reader to grasp each work piece thoroughly. Although the abbreviation e.g. r, p, N, x², r ² are easy to understand when a statistical analyst reads them, but these jargons are not understood by a layman. Therefore, in the end or in the footnotes, the author should have mentioned full form of the key abbreviations. This research paper can be deemed credible due to its contemporary nature. However, in the end of the research delineates that pre-hire variables in the predicting voluntary turnover and performance do not apply to the contemporary world. Further, the author suggests what new variables are now the foundations for assessing the two independent variables that `are voluntary turnover and job performance.

The author, Murray R. Barrick has expertise on the topic of this research paper and most of his researches focus on individual differences amongst employees and on job performance. Murray has written more than 50 referred articles published in various publications; therefore, he is considered as a credible author. With holding expertise on candidates self presentation tactics on interviewer, this research paper can be perceived to be one of its kinds. Whereas, Ryan D. Zimmer has extensive knowledge on the research topic and most of his credentials are in human resource management, with major interests in personnel selection, employee turnover and individual differences. In addition to that, Zimmer has a breast of knowledge and experience in human resource management and has been awarded for his expertise along with two co-authors for the most significant paper regarding Human Resource Management in 2006.

This research focuses on one pre-hire variable for the first time and it also analyzes three variables jointly to predict turnover and performance. The research and its findings are also concordant with study of (Shmidt & Hunter,). Another finding of the attenuation of the pre-hire variables is consistent with the findings of (Griffeth et al, 2000). In addition to this, another concordance between (Murray 2009) and (Murphy, 1989) is that as time passes predictive validity of the variables decline. However, the sample showed homogeneity and therefore the study lacks rigor. In the end of the paper the research indicates several limitations, and areas for further research that would help a new researcher tap this particular area for additional analysis. In a nutshell, the overall paper was good, clear, concise, but lacked in effective sampling and replicability.

When talking of employee retention, I can recall an incident of my organization that failed to retain employees at all. The issue was that the organization used to hire anybody with sufficient academic experience and then tested waters. Moreover, the human resource department lacked sufficient expertise in the field to hire skilled personnel for the job. The applicants were misguided about the position and job description was given to them when they were hired and received their offer letter. Even the online advertisements about the new job postings were manipulated versions of the actual jobs. This created a fraudulent image of the organization in the mind of its employees. Moreover, they faced high turnover without even prior notice.

The organization lacked people’s skills, therefore it was unable to tackle and retain their human capital. In addition to this, as Murray and Zimmer’s studies indicated that pre-hire variables and biographical information helps in assessing employee turnover within 6 months, our organization lacked in its ability .....................................

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