Other Literatures
The Future of the Joined-up Public Services
This article has been authored by Patrick Dunleavy and is published in the year 2010 by Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Patrick Dunleavy is a Professor at the London School of Economics and his main focus has remained on converting the processes of government online(Dunleavy, 2010). The particular article discusses the concept of providing a service model for governments that could be implemented in the year 2020. The research paper has considered the UK market where it has deeply discussed the economic conditions and the existing developments of the country. The flow of the article has been discussed in a sequential manner where the author have first discussed the current complex public service structure in the UKand have discussed the flaws in the current structure(Dunleavy, 2010). As the paper is progressed at the later stages, the author has presented its service model and has provided the time frame for which the model can be fully implemented. However, while considering the Ivey journal article, the authors have failed to provide a comprehensive detail and the time frame about the implementation of the service model. The Ivey journal article has also lacked an approach for providing the results that could be attained from the particular service model(Dunleavy, 2010).
Patrick Dunleavy has also provided a detailed analysis for the citizen-government and the inter-departments government structure of the UK government. For this purpose, the author has analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of each department for coping up with the service model presented by the author. This has also allowed the willingness of the departments in accepting the change in the current model of government(Dunleavy, 2010). However, while considering the fact for Ivey journal article, the paper lacks in strengths regarding discussing the inter-department concept of government and their interest in the change of the service model. Even though, the authors have generally provided the many ways from where a government can take help for the implementation of the service model in bringing change in its country(Dunleavy, 2010).
Public Services for the Future: Modernization, Reforms, Accountability
The particular article has been authored by the Chief Secretary to the Treasury in the year 1998 and has been presented to the parliament of the UK government. The position and authority of the author describes the credibility of the research paper and the recommendations to the prime minister of the UK parliament. The author realizes that each country has different economic conditions and service models, therefore a standard service model could not be implemented in different countries(The Stationery Office, 1998). The author has presented a public service reforms for the United Kingdom so that the changes can be made efficiently while screening the conditions and suitability of the country. While comparing the structure of the particular paper with the original article authored by Cooper, Robinson, and Kippin, it can analyzed that the original article provides general service model specifications and the tools to achieve the required goals outlined by the author, but it lacks certain depths in implementing the service model in a country according to their government’s regulations and current environment. A thorough analysis on a particular country would have allowed the readers to gain a complete and thorough knowledge of the working of the model(The Stationery Office, 1998).
Similarly, the related article describes the roles for each minister in the modernization of public sectors in the future world when it changes its structure. This methodology and concept has been lacking in the Ivey Journal article as it does not relate it with the roles of different minister and the roles of the most important positions hold by the government officials(The Stationery Office, 1998). However, the Ivey paper does provide the benefits for implementing the proposed service models for each recommendation as it lacks in the above related article.
Improving Public Sector Efficiency: Challenges and Opportunities
This article has been written by Teresa Curristine, Zsuzsanna Lonti, Isabelle Joumard in the year 2007 which is published in an OECD journal article. The article discusses the problems faced by the 34 countries included in the OECD regarding their government and in the public sectors(Curristine, Lonti, & Joumard, 2007). These countries are in need to increase their performance of the government and also to make sustainable growth for future. The article has laid foundations in discussing and evaluating the trends in OECD countries and providing a standard service model which could help the government for each country(Curristine, Lonti, & Joumard, 2007). A striking similarity could be found in this particular article and the Ivey Journal article as they both focus on increasing the sustainability of the government, and moreover......................................
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