Call Centre Management At Interbank Case Study Help
- Multi-skilled CSR uses multiple media to reach the customers.
CSR might get in a situation where they would have to deal with less important and less urgent emails and calls, which are waiting.
Dedicated Group:
- As long as there is no contact; CSR will continue to work, which will increase the utilization, such as an increase in the number of calls per minute.
- CSR responds tounexpected spikes on one or more channels.
- The hybrid group needs an integrated routing technology.
- Multi-qualified CSR is also required to enter in the general queue.
After reviewing the assessment of pros and cons of these three routing strategies;InterBankis recommended to use the Task Switching Group routing model as it is the most common model and most widely used throughout the industry. Only an intelligent work management system is needed to ensure an effective implementation of the model, in order to achieve favorable and desirable benefits for the model. With an increased understanding; representatives can also reduce training costs while making the agents more efficient in handling different types of connections, such as: chats, incoming calls, emails and much more..............................
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