Boston Pine Street Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Boston Pine Street Case Study Solution

Problem Statement:

There are many problems faced by the Pine Street Inc. such as achievement of objectives and goals related to the employees, owner and the donors of the organization .However, the main difficulty faced by the organization is related to the donation .The operations of the charitable organizations depend on the donations .And the donation received by the Pine Street Inc. from the various sources such as state and corporates are decreasing year by year. Along with this the organization also face some other problems such as demotivation and distress among all level of the management.

Qualitative Analysis:

In the qualitative analysis, an analyst organizes a subjective judgment to diagnose the problem of the company. This analysis is purely based on the unquantifiable data. In this analysis, we consider the areas such as the strength of research and development, management expertise, labor relationships and others. The qualitative analysis of Pine Street Inc. follows:

Management Strategies:

The strategies adopted by the   management of the Pine Street Inc. does not seem effective one such as the management does not conduct a proper research of the peoples who live at there. There are many people who can afford the accommodation but to save the money they choose to live at the Pine Street Inc. which increase the cost burden of the organization. Moreover, the organization can take the work suchas administrative tasks from the guest but instead of this the organization used to increase the number of volunteers this further increase the cost burden of the organization. Hence from the above analysis, we can conclude that the organization does not have an effective management team.

Organization Culture:

In the Pine Street Inc., there are severe conflicts among the directors and senior management of the company which adversely affect over the culture of the company moreover it also jeopardizes the goodwill and reputation of the organization. In addition to this, the event also creates ahurdle for the organization to obtain the donations.

This can further be understood through the incident between Downie and the nursing director. The incident says that a significant conflict arises between the Downie and the nursing director regarding the strategies of the nursing department. In result of this incident, the nursing director resigns from the job this gives a message of insecurity to the other employees and hence destroy the culture of the organization. Along with this the incident also came into the eyes of media which affect drastically over the reputation of the Pine Street and hence the organization faces difficulties in obtaining the donations.

Quantitative Analysis:

Quantitative analysis is defined as the analysis which diagnoses the company using the numbers in other words we can say that using mathematical measurements and calculations............

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