Assessment 1A & B: Scale Evaluation Harvard Case Solution & Analysis



The data is collected from more than two hundred Americans from Mobile, Alabama. These students took part in an online study that required filling out the questionnaire in exchange of the course credit. The students belong to the undergraduate program of the “Introduction to the Psychology” class.


The first step that we did in this scale evaluation is the initial psychometric validation i.e. the factor analysis. Factor analysis is done in order to find out that which of the variables can be eliminated from the scale because they contribute less to overall scale or because eliminating them would increase the reliability of the scale. So, initially we conducted the factor analysis on all of the questions that are asked in the scale. The result obtained is then analyzed, and the variables that load onto two variables and do not have a difference of more than 0.20 are eliminated from the scale. (Ros-Gálvez, 2017)After the elimination of the variables from the scale, we conducted a reliability test i.e. Cronbach’s Alpha Test. The result obtained is then compared to the test without the elimination of the respective variables and it is analyzed whether the elimination has made any difference to the reliability of the scale or not.

After the elimination of the variable(s), and successful conduction of the reliability test, a new scale is developed. Lastly, the nomological network test is conducted around the RSES with its differences with the Big Five Personality traits and also Dark Triad traits.

Assessment 1A & B Scale Evaluation Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Results& Discussion

Factor Analysis

The results obtained from the first factor analysis are shown in the section 2 under tables/figures. Complete result is shown the SPSS output file. Table 1 shows the results of the KMO and Bartlett’s Test, it can be seen that the adequacy of the sampling i.e. KMO measure is 0.901, it shows that the sampling adequacy of the scale is superb. Bartlett’s test also shows the strength of relationship among the variables, and it can be seen that test shows (significance value of 0.000) that the correlation matrix is not an identity matrix.

Now, moving onto table 2 i.e. structure matrix, this table is very important as it is used to decide that which of the variables should be eliminated. As mentioned earlier that variables with loading on more than one factor and with difference less than 0.20 are eliminated. Thus, it can be analyzed that there are only two such variables (variable no. 3 and 5). So, for further analysis, we eliminated this variable from our scale.

The second factor analysis is conducted after the elimination of the variable 3 and 5 from the scale. Complete output of the factor analysis is shown in the SPSS output file. Important results are displayed in section 2 under Tables.

Now, analyzing table no. 4 i.e. KMO and Bartlett’s Test, it can be analyzed that the sampling adequacy has decreased 0.874, but still it is good. The significance level of Bartlett’s test is still 0.000, showing that the correlation matrix is not an identity matrix..................

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