In 1997, the American Heart Association (AHA) Western States Affiliate reorganized to increase revenue to raise funds for the nonprofit organization. Instead, a wide range of fund-raising and program responsibilities, all employees now had a key fundraising and program activities. Some were unhappy with the new structure of the scope and reporting of their position. Roman Bowser, executive vice president and general manager of the branch, made a few changes to the organizational structure to address the problems that have arisen with the organization and had other matters to be considered in 2002 related to the volunteer staff and the local community – the lifeblood of the organization. In addition, national AHS task force was reorganizing AHA recommendation in the same way that Bowser used for their Western States Affiliate. Bowser was not sure that the national center and other affiliates can learn and benefit from its model, which it specifically for staff and geographical area. He wondered how and if the AHA could leverage its organizational model of isolated communities at national and what the implications might be for the long-term viability of the AHA. “Hide
by Glenn R. Carroll, Christina Ho Source: Stanford Graduate School of Business 19 pages. Publication Date: March 19, 2002. Prod. #: OD2-PDF-ENG
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