Biostatistics Assignment Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Biostatistics Assignment Case Study Solution

Paper Introduction

The name of the article related to human health that we have selected is “Use of complementary and alternative medicines in people with depression and central obesity: findings from a Tai Chi and Qigong study”. In this human health study, the authors have examined the common health problem and a growing health issue that is depression and they examined the complementary and alternative medicines use among the people within depression. The sample for this study was selected from Tai Chi and Qigong and targeted the centrally obese adults with depression.

Description and Interpretation of Statistical Hypothesis Test’

Next, we have to describe and interpret either at least one statistical hypothesis test or one quantity that could be estimated using confidence intervals. This human health research paper has used the Chi square goodness of fit tests to compare the characteristics of the sample and the Australian population therefore, we describe and interpret his statistical hypothesis test. The univariate logistic regression had been used lifestyle and demographic predictors of the CAM products use and the four major groups separately. Furthermore, multivariate logistic regression has been used for examining the association between the health status characteristics and the CAP use. This test had been adjusted for the lifestyle and demographic predictors and it has found to be significant from the univariate analysis.

The results of the statistical analysis had revealed that the sample was more likely to be older women and they would be rated with worse health as compared to the Australian population. Table 1 shows the corresponding p Values. The predictors of the CAM use had shown that half of the participants were at least using one CAM and each participant on average used 1.15 CAM. Women were found to be using CAM more than men and similar is the case for the older people that are aged above 60 years. Finally, people in professional occupations also used more herbal products than other occupations. These differences were found to be significance at a significance level of 0.05.

Based on the lifestyle characteristics, the p value was higher than 0.05 and it showed no association between self-reported health such as depression and the use of CAM. CAM use was also not associated with the risk factors such as alcohol use and smoking or any sort of comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes and arthritis.

Comments on Aspects of Data Presentation

The descriptive statistics had been used to understand the patterns of the data. The entire data for the self-reported use of the CAM products, demographic, health and lifestyle status had been collected through the validated questions within a written survey. The construct validity had also been checked by the researchers. A total of two hundred and sixty patients participated in the assessment. The descriptive statistics had showed that the depth of the survey and the collected data was too high and it could be used to examine any of the CAM uses or specific categories associated with CAM.

Biostatistics Assignment Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


The final data set was screened. Firstly, a total 1602 individuals had responded to the study and 536 were screened through telephone and 290 were eligible and invited for the screening assessment. However, out of 290 only 260 had attended the screening assessment and which was the final sample size for this research study. The presentation of the data was done on the basis of their responses that related to demographic, lifestyle, CAM use and health related characteristics......................

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