Virginia Mason Medical Center Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Virginia Mason Medical Center Case Solution


The Virginia Mason Medical Center was founded with a vision of two doctors that was a place where complete treatment would be provided to the patients. After 20 years, they founded the clinic with six physicians in order to create a finest patient care with integrated health services. The clinic functioned as a physician partnership, and it was separate as a nonprofit hospital. In 1986, Virginia Mason was restructured into a nonprofit hospital from the physician partnership in the need of expansion of services and technology.

Dr. Gary Kaplan became the CEO of Virginia Mason Medical Centre in November 2000 at the time when the hospital was in front of considerable large challenges. The challenges include the loss of resources, the self-esteem of the staff was in a declining trend and they were facing huge zealous rivals. Dr. Gary Kaplan came up with the objective of making the VMMC as a quality leader in health care industry.


The emerging new technology and innovations comprised of all the health care facilities within the easy range of people. Moreover, the health care industry became more versatile than ever before. In order to compete and to gain high revenues, the hospital should evolve itself into a fast moving innovative framework. Virginia Mason Medical Center was facing the problems from huge rivals as it was losing money and losing the confidence of staff members.

Virginia Mason Medical Center has reorganized its academic costs with research and travel time. Virginia Mason Medical Center is required to settle into a profitable entity from a low-profit organization. The economic health of Medical Center was routing towards the worse direction.

The management was lacking skills of innovative management tactics. The increase in deaths due to medical care errors was demoralizing public’s faith in medical centers. The Virginia Mason Medical Center was also facing human tragedy problems, which could have restricted future. The feel of superiority was among the most of the Physicians as they felt that they are protected by the laws of health care and unhindered to patients and administration.


The challenges seemed as big that the vision of the Virginia Mason Medical Center was lost somewhere in between these problems. The need for a whole new strategic system is at its peak. Gary Kaplan was trying to make a framework that could check and enhance the capabilities of professionals and staff and how they could be used effectively. He was also minimizing the infrastructure’s time frame which could save both time and cost.

The strategic plan was made to resolve the problems and challenges and to achieve the main objective of Virginia Mason Medical Center. The top management of VMMC decided to implement the strategic plan followed by Toyota Production System.

Many manufacturing companies have adopted the lean manufacturing technique of Toyota. It was the first time that Virginia Mason Medical Center was adapting the Toyota Production System. Before Toyota’s production model many hospitals had readjusted other several production models such as Total Quality Management and Six Sigma........................

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