Tsingtao Brewery Co, Ltd, a Chinese manufacturer best known beer, Yanjing beer was surpassed in the mid-1990s because of the inefficiency of the system and stiff competition from home and overseas competitors. From 1994 to 2002, Tsingtao Brewery has accepted more than 47 small and medium-sized companies, and regained its dominant position in the beer industry. However, the rapid expansion suffered many problems - the capital and administrative bottlenecks, swimming pool, cultural conflicts, several brands, low profitability, and other diseases associated with being such a big company. In July 2001, the Director General Zuoyi died suddenly of a heart attack, and Jin Peng Zhiguo failed. Gene decided to turn business strategy Tsingtao Brewery from "growing large a powerful" to "growing powerful enough to be great," which is aimed at post-acquisition integration. "Hide
for Shengjun Liu Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 32 pages. Publication Date: January 13, 2006. Prod. #: 905M63-PDF-ENG