The development of improved vision in primates due to environment pressure and Arboreal past Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


The report illustrates the evolution of primates and theirtraits due to the environmental pressures such as darkness, Height and others along with the arborealenvironment that has improved the vision of the primates and has also increased or decreased othersenses and body parts, leadingto evolution.

Basically, the paper discusses the emergenceof new species in the final shape, from evolution due to change in the environment.It discusses the three stages of the changes in human species, or which have led to the final specie –The man.

Though the theories supporting the evolution of primate’s traitin markets are valid, however, some researcher challenges the theories, outliningthe traits and adaptability ofthe non-primates with arborealenvironment.Such include the behavior and traits of the squirrel and other tree living animals that have no sharp vision or other locomotorsorgans evolved.

Hence it discuss the strong evidences that proves the evolution of primates over the period of time due to Environmentalpressures and arborealEnvironment.

Keywords:  Evolution, Locomotion, Arboreal environment, vision.

The development of improved vision in primates due to environment pressure and Arboreal past Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


The term primates improved vision has been explained in the past under the topic of environmental adaption- Arborealenvironment.Such adaption has resulted in increasedin size,vision, and other sense necessary to surviveand prey in the forestenvironment.Moreover such adaption and changes has also resulted in increase in hand and feetsize of some animals so toadapt and survive in the environment.A common example of Giraffe long neck and owls visionsdepicts the strong instinct of thee primates toadapt to the environment in order to survive.It has been said that the gradual adaption of Primates such as owl, squirrel, and giraffe has been due to changing environmentand the ability to survive in those environments.

Moreover many researches suggests, that’s once these primates have the ability to adapt to the environment, some of the senses tends to increaseswhile some decreases.Such as the visioningtheseprimates’ increases while the sense of smell decreases.The researcher suggests that such may be due to the difficulty to maintain the distinct scent in company oftreesin forest. Perhaps, eye sights seems to be more important to prey more efficiently.

However on the other hand, many researchers opposes thetheory ofprimate’svision as the response of arborealEnvironment.According to ( ), many non-primate animal such as squirrel tends to moveand prey on trees without binocular vision, similar is the case with other mammalsas well, hence in order to prove the traits developed in primates as  the result ofarboreal environment.It is importantunderstand the traits of the mammals that are none—primates yet livesand preys aroundgreen environment.

Hence the paper is proposed to understand the fact “that primates have developed the improvedvision due to natural selectionpressures and arborealenvironment


Different Grades of Primates

Primates are basically the group of mammals that includes apes, monkeys, and humans.In general these mammals follow a generalized patternthat is not specialized for any specific adaptive strategy.Moreover, thee primates havethe ability to adapt with the environmentfrom artic to tropics.

It has been found that thee traits and ability to adapt as certainevolutionary cycle from the history, that reconstructs the species depending on the evolutionary Phylogeny. Since in taxonomy, species are grouped together in a way that’s how the common relationshipbetween therecent traits and ancestraltraitsdiverged throughthe process of Evolution...............

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