IMD-3-2262 © 2011
Read, Stuart; Lepoutre, Jan; Margery, Philippe
His concept was a business developed on waste - worm waste to be specific. Ultimately, he dropped out of Princeton to pursue his dream of getting rid of waste and the business broadened into upcycling, making items from waste that would have otherwise been sent out to land fills. The business went on to move into sponsored waste, wherein business would pay TerraCycle to set up collection websites, or brigades as TerraCycle called them, for utilized product packaging associated with their items such as beverage pouches, yogurt containers and cookie wrappers.
Each case in this 4 part series addresses a vital supervisory concern at an important point in the business's development. The series supplies an exceptional illustration of the improvement procedure business owners go through to guarantee their business not just makes it through however likewise prospers throughout each stage of its advancement. In the last and 4th case, we discover Tom holding strong to TerraCycle's core - getting rid of waste - however starting to question whether TerraCycle has the best company design to move it securely into the lucrative zone.
TerraCycle (A) Building A Venture With Spineless Employees case study solution
Subjects: Entrepreneurship; Effectuation; Strategy; Sustainability
Settings: USA ; Waste management ; USD16 million ; 2001-2011