Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Farming in Indonesia Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Oded Carmi was a social entrepreneur seeks to "green Bali." He started as a model Sari Organic farms are for organic growth with the requirements of the market and in the interests of the local community, while serving as a training center for small farmers in the region. Thirteen years later, the idea was not well received, as he had hoped. The case contains information about social entrepreneurship and background on Carmi, the environment in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, in general, and discusses some of the problems faced by the entrepreneur as the founder and owner of Sari Organic Farm and Restaurant "Warung Bodag Maliah" (overflowing basket). His main task was to repeat and maintain its organic rice farming models in Bali, and eventually other parts of Indonesia. His first thoughts involved several options: (a) use the existing system of the village and its leaders (religious and civil) to re-introduce the traditional culture of rice farming in Ubud, Bali, and finally Indonesia. (B) to introduce new models, such as micro-franchising, through which it (micro-franchisor) will dial the number of the local farmers (micro-franchisees) and provide them with resources to grow rice organically, (c) To enter into a joint venture with several existing organic rice farmers in the region. (D) to expand your business as a sole proprietor, you have to buy more land and increase of organic rice - it was his least favorite option because it would go against their mission with the community. The case may be a good starting point to discuss the impact of modernization on traditional society and the role of business in society. Karmi, a native of Israel, tried to revive traditional farming methods that were more resilient and healthy. Carmi understood that he was to come up with a strategy in the near future, and he was open to other viable options for replication and livelihood. "Hide
by Ilan Alon, Eva Misati Source: Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation 14 pages. Publication Date: May 31, 2011. Prod. #: W11223-PDF-ENG

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