Scandinavian Model in Guinea Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


Happiness, learning-ordinated culture and betterment of the human is the basic learning and aspect of the Scandinavianmodel that has been derived from theScandinavian countries.The Scandinavian countries such as Denmark, Sweden andFinland, aresome of the learning oriented economies that have focusedon bringing the betterment andhappiness at the macro-level which has ultimately beena part of their workplace.

Such incorporationof the Scandinavianmodel has allowed the countriesand regions to managetheworkplace issuesand work towards the betterment of the human lifeboth in and out ofthe organization. In addition, the co-alliance ofScandinavianmodel in organization and countrieshas allowed the individuals tohave a better life that not only bringsprosperity to thenation but also motivates and reinforces the positive attitude of employees towards work.

Over the period of time, the Scandinavian region such as Denmark,Finland,Sweden andothers have emphasized on upbringing the moraleand motivation ofemployees while in the organization.In doing so, these countries have focused on the factors like flatorganization structure, work lifebalance, job security andautonomy and empowerment to the individuals in an attempt to reinforce the positivity and self-learning atmosphere in the organization, thatnot only promotes the proactive organizational behaviorbutalso allows the employees to unleash the powerand energy in order to makethings work. Such has resulted in high employee motivation, leading to highperformance and thus the profitability of the organization.

Scandinavian Model in Guinea Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

According to the article such emphasis of the Scandinavian model at micro level, puts a domino effect at the macro-level. According to the article,the high performance oftheemployees inthe organization and inclination towards performing high in the organization throughempowerment,allows the organizations to set breakthrough on innovations in the market which ultimately brings prosperity for the nation (Denmark).

Scandinavian model in guinea

Over the period of time,with the diffusion of the corporate goals set and pursed in Scandinavianregions into the global market, the learnings and essence of the model hasbecome widelypracticed. Since the Scandinaviancountriesare the large corporateregions with extensive andever growingorganizational and corporategoals based on Scandinavian model, this learning has slowly spread into other regionsstarting from the nearby countriesand then into the emergingmarket such as Africa.

Africa has always been a rigid region with stiff regulations and poor work life management, this has been specifically due to the lack of corporategoalsbased on Scandinavian model, that madetheregion suffer for a longer period of time.

However through global integration and internationalization, the learningofthe Scandinavian model spread into the African region as well. Suchdiffusion of knowledge and corporate goal allowed the Guinea workplaces to sabotage the precious modelof working and adaptto the new flexible learning model.Suchadaption to change allowed the Guineanorganizations and especially the telecommunication sector to evolve and become one of the leading sectors in the African region.

It has been analyzed that through the adaptionofthe Scandinavianmodel in the Guineanorganizations, the organizational stricture changed from high hierarchy to flathierarchies, which allowed the people and the management to develop strong bond, sense of ownership and employeeautonomy in the organization.Such change resulted in unleashing the expertise and skills of the employees and also enabled the organizations to evolve and attract the foreign direct investment and international talent;hence made Guinea an emerging market for international players..............

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