Role of Project Manager in Multinational Staffing Conflicts Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Role of Project Manager in Multinational Staffing Conflicts Case Solution


It is the requirement for the well-established companies to compete in the international market if they have developed their market inside a country. The necessity of expansion depends on the type of competitors that they follow in the domestic markets. Thus, to expand globally, it has to appear with different concerns in various departments of the organization. Similarly, for the recruitment and selection of the business, managers have to develop their plans strategically.

In order to compete in the international market, all of the managers have to work collaboratively. For the development of a good environment in the organizations and to avoid communication gaps among employees and employees with leaders it is very necessary to select the best staffing strategies. Project managers thus, have to collaborate with the human resource in order to bring the best staff to their organization. For the successful empowerment in the Multinational Companies, managers need to implement best approaches to recruitment to the organization. Choosing best staff for the organization not only benefits the companies to resolve human resource conflicts but it will also accommodate Multinational companies to produce the best output from their operations.

Objective of the Research

Multinational companies need to develop a better environment in order to perform well in their projects. Moreover, it is the requirement of Multinational Companies to select best staffing policies for avoiding cultural and communication conflicts among the employees. Thus, this research provides collaboration of project managers with human resource managers in order to implement appropriate staffing policies in Multinational Companies. A framework has ben designed in response to the research objective in Exhibit 1.

Reviews of Literature

Kwak & Anbari (2009) have investigated project managements’ performance in the different departments of the organization. For the purpose of 18 business, journals have been analyzed by dividing them into eight categories of disciplines. The research journals of project management were trended towards identification, classification and exploration of the allied disciplines. These analyses were based on the subjects of Information Technology (IT)/Information System (IS), Engineering and Construction, Quality Management (Six Sigma) and Performance Management/Earned Value Management. It was concluded by the papers that the project management can be enhanced by the academic discipline being observant to the allied disciplines. Hence, a powerful role of project manager has evaluated with the aspects of the different organizational department.

Andersen (2016) has examined various aspects of the project management. It has focused on the different roles of project managers. A role of project manager identifies project triangle that involves cost, time and quality in the products or services. Some of the managers try to maintain maximum value creation at the workplace. However, the implications suggested that it depends on the situation of the workplace that which of the working style is better for the project manager.

Koops et al. 2016 have examined the association of public and private project managers’ with the success of large infrastructure projects. From the conventional manager, the study also classified the managers into parental oriented, stakeholder manager focus and project driven manager. The research was conducted using exploratory research type. For the purpose of the study, a survey was collected from six countries of North-West Europe. Furthermore, variables used for the study were educational background, budget, and governmental level. Analysis revealed the insignificant relationship of project success with national culture. Whereas, it was concluded that with the collaboration of public and private partners’, awareness of the different aspects can support to understand the project managers' motives in large infrastructure projects.................

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