Research Proposal Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


On the basis of main concerns the organizations allocating the resources via non-market appliance. There are certain questions arises that has to be answered. On the basic of the priority structure, is there any possibility of resource allocations? If certain, then what will be the most appropriate time to do this more effectively? Make it sure that this will not create any inducements for the operations. Also constant through variable groups of the mediators and level of resources. It is the most central aspect to strategic decision making, yet, amazingly not such enormous body of work particularly related to allocation of technological, human resources, financial and the physical resources that help the organizational strategies. The factual and conceptual assistances which are empirical which in anyways evaluate the present situation of the topic, new understandings & intuitions, current analyses and suggested favorable future directions of the research are offered by the related articles and the observations that have been offered. The researchers and the scholars are now much motivated towards the future of the resource allocations for the organizations to understand better about the organization’s strategies.

Keywords:  resource allocation, process, management, strategic planning and decision-making, framework.

Research Proposal Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


Resourceallocation is an important aspect of the strategic management.According to research, the resource allocation is as important in attaining the goals and objectives as setting other business strategic aspects.Asoff suggested the resource allocation as an important part of overall organizational goals and palm. He also defined, the role and importance of resource allocation as core area to complete the project at the given time.

According to  (Danneels, 2007), the reduced or low emphasis on the resource allocation leads to ineffective attainment of goals and objectives leading to delays.In some cases these delay s may rather be compensated, however in many cases such effectivesstrategy and resource allocation leas to unredeemablelosses, effecting the organizationalimage and value in the market, ultimately effecting the overall business and sales.

In another paper,  (Bower, 2017), suggested that the overall business planning depends upon to effectiveresource allocation, thatmakes orbreak s in it in the given time.Many other researches such as ( (Busenbark, 2017)suggested, that theoccupancies of resource scarcity duringthe project is due to the ineffective planningof the management, offeringlow importance to resource allocation and strategy development pre-hand.

In addition, (Chandler, 1976)suggested the factors of projectsdelays, outlining the potential and substantially high factors of delay to ineffective resource allocation.He also suggestedthat though the threat and riskassociated to the inadequate risk allocationis high, however, quite little effortsare offered to such areas of business.In manyfirms it has been found, that no separate resource allocation strategy or team is formed to offer the projectwith right numberof people, skills,material and financialresourcesinitiatingthe project.In factin many firms such is done through intuition and adapt data, leadingto ineffective resource allocation.

The particular paper suggested the impact of the resource allocation on the overall business performance in the oil sector in Kuwait. This basically determines whetheror not resource allocations effectsthe business operation and profitability. This paper also discusses the resourcebased review theory to outline and deepenthe analysis so to understand the relationship and significance of Resource allocation strategy in oil business in Kuwait.

1.1-            Problem Statement

(), explained resource allocation as the keyaspect of theeffectives strategy.() also supported theresearch, suggesting the effective management ofthe resource and its allocations includesthe people allocation, task allocations, financial allocationand skills and equipment allocation...............

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