IMD-5-0731 © 2007
Meehan; Sean
Amid a fiscal catastrophe Gerald Kleisterlee took over as CEO of Philips in 2001. The company was about to post its worst ever losses and was being viewed by many as a candidate for takeover or break up. Kliesterlee participates in a procedure for reestablishing priorities for Philips from being a conglomerate narrative to be a high growth electronic equipment play and reformulating its strategy. He knows that the firm decides to hire a Chief Marketing Officer; Andrea Ragnetti; to provide the impetus and has to be more externally focussed.
The (A) case finishes by presenting the question: What should be priorities and Ragnetti’s initial strategies? The (B) instance describes the crucial initiatives started and driven by the Ragnetti also as all the other activities going on that support the new focus on being market-oriented. Having confirmed a research validated rationale for a fresh placement; some Divisional heads once again oppose the strategy on the basis of allocations and price thereof. The (B) case ends by inquiring what Kleisterlee should do. The (C) instance describes the position Kleisterlee takes and describes the key events since the launching of Sense and Simplicity. A functionality (financial and brand) overview is supplied.
Philips Marketing Journey (C) case study solution
Subjects: Positioning; Brand; Customer focus; Change; Leadership
Settings: Global; Electronics; € 30 billion approx.; 2002-2007