ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


The problem faced was that there was no clear project in a team and there was no team leader who could lead the team when the team faced difficulty in achieving the target as established by the superiors who made the team. The lack of structure led to the team having no person to contact when it needed assistance. Moreover, the team members were given goals which were unrealistic this led to lack of motivation in the team.

Polzer gave the way how the team should be established and managed in the start as the team should be formed with care in the start and there should be a careful analysis of the needs and the skills and diversity needed for the team.The team should be made with all the necessary skills required so that it could perform effectively.

The other theory which is used is to change management as the change would need to be managed effectively by the leader and the careful analysis of how the change should be managed is assessed in the theories of Balogun and Hailey.

ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

These two theories are used to evaluate the potential problem faced by me in the project and for the management of the change in an organization and the how the change should be managed in order for the change to be successful and how the leader would adopt or implement the change in the organization. The leader would need to follow three steps namely the context of the change, the implementation process and the outcome of the project and these three steps would need to be taken by the leader so that the change is carried out effectively in the organization and the leader would follow the three steps.

The leader should decide the context of the change as to in which area the change is needed and in which area of the business the change will be carried out. The leader would need to identify the area as he will have to manage the change as there will be several difficulties in the change and several key factors would need to be considered in order for the change to be managed effectively

How ideas suggest different course of action

The leaders are the role model whom the followers follow.The leaders should have some distinct qualities in them so that the followers can get some inspiration from their personalities and be able to follow their leaders as a role model.

The situation I faced was that a project was given to me and my team and we had to do the project and meet the goal of achieving the target as specified for the project. The project was being done by everyone in the team and the team was formed with the intention to achieve the end goal of completing the project on a timely basis. The team did not have any formal structure and there were no designations being given to the team members as the team members were not clear about whom to follow in the absence of the team manager. The team did not have any coordination and the short-term goals were unclear as the leader was pushing the team to do the work without realizing the thing that the goals were unrealistic.

If Polzer would have been known, then this might have resulted in the team building more strong as Polzer says that there must be a diagnosis of the task i.e. how complex the task is, how interdependent the task is and what are the objectives which are to be fulfilled from this. The second step is establishing the team rewards system and its responsibilities and the last step is to decide the size, skills, diversity, roles, and leadership.

The different course of action would be that the rewards should be established for the team’s performance and the responsibilities of the individual team members. The team members should be given the established objectives which should beused to assess the relative performance of the team members. The team should decide before the start about the diversity of the team, the skills which it requires rather than the skills of the team being decided after the team has been formed.

Leadership skills and qualities

The leader should have several qualities such as the knowledge required and he should be competent enough to do the job which has to be done and the skills required in that job. The leader should motivate his followers and he should have the skills to make his followers do the job and the relation of the leader with his followers should be good and strong enough so that they should work without any conflict. The leader should give the task structure to the workers who should do the work and to which he should be designated should be clear and the power and the authority of the leader should be clear. The culture should be clear and the change which is beneficial for the organization and the followers should be clear...................

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