Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Case Review Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become epidemic since many years. It is frequently found in developed countries than developing countries, and around 70% in obese population irrespective of gender. Furthermore, there are many complications and complexities to understand the disease, because many medical conditions are found to associated with the NAFLD. However, it is not clear that, either these symptoms are the causes or the consequences. Meanwhile, the NAFLD is a disease in which liver absorbs the fat, and there are three stages one steatosis, steatohepatitis (NASH) and the finally the NAFLD. Furthermore, it was found during the study that, there are many underlying factors and medical conditions that could lead, to the NAFLD such as the type 2 diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, disease of glycogen, increased level of the lipids and decreased levels of the hydrolysis, sedentary lifestyle, and inherited from the parents. Therefore, these are the underlying factors or the medical conditions that could result in NAFLD. Indeed, it was also found that there is no specific diagnosis or treatment plan. But, it could be detected through the ultrasonography, MRI, CT scan and the liver biopsy.And, there is no specific treatment plan for the NAFLD. However, lifestyle modifications such as the healthy diet, and physical activity could help to prevent the disease. 
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Case Review Harvard Case Solution & Analysis
The Nonalcoholic liver disease has become an epidemic since many years. However, many studies have been conduct to understand the development of that fatty liver in the human body, and what are causes of the that medical condition. Furthermore, the scientists and the clinicians have been working on to point out single evidence about any leading cause that results in the fatty liver disease. However, it can be determined that, liver disease does not occur at once, but it takes time to attack the liver and become adisease. However, it is important to know that nonalcoholic fatty liver disease occurs in the patients who are away from the alcohol(Angulo, 2002). Similarly, there are many complications in understanding how liver disease takes place.Since,some researchers identify one cause, then other indicate another, meanwhile manyscientific studies have been conducted, but results are not satisfactory.
Meanwhile, the increasing complications in the medical science, has emphasized on the evidence based practices through the scientific research in order to suggest the physicians and clinicians as well. However, the nonalcoholic fatty liver disease could be associated with any symptoms or the causes or other diseases.Since, there are no evidences behind that approaches, but it is predicted from the data available, to the clinicians from throughout the world. Indeed, the NAFLD has become a chronic disease in the western world that is being caused by many medical conditions. Indeed, it is important to understand nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, its origin, possible causes and understand how liver is attacked and by whom. Similarly, to understand what are the factors that lead to the liver injury or inflammation or the integration of the fat in the liver, and what are causes as well...........

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