NIS: Geopolitical Breakthrough or Strategic Failure? Case Solution
Russian oil giant Gazpromneft obtains a managing stake in the only Serbian vertically incorporated oil business, NIS, in a significant offer in between the Serbian federal government on one side and the Russian federal government and Gazpromneft on the other. The brand-new monitoring deals with unparalled difficulties in turning the sleeping giant (which represents 15% of Serbia's economy however runs at lower than 50% of its capability) into a commercially feasible business.
Pedagogical Goals:
To earn trainees familiar with the obstacles of investing into an emerging economy and purchasing into a state-owned business: - Handling several problems in an acquision - Developing a high-performance civilization - Establishing a technique integrating international experience and regional competence - Leading multicultural entreprises and groups Establishing organisation in the Balkan area Changing a state-owned business into a company
This is just an excerpt. This case is about Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise
published: 31 Jan 2012