Medical Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Clinical case studies on Liver disease
Case A
Q1.The jaundice is common in the infants, however, it requires medical intervention early. Because, the color of the skin and the eyes becomes yellow. Meanwhile, it might be caused by the accumulation of the unconjugated bilirubin, but the serum level increases excessively in the newborns, that also results in the neurotoxic that might also lead to the death of the infant.
Q2. The clinical findings of the infant suggests that the infant might have Crigler–Najjar syndrome type 1. This is one type of unconjugated bilirubin. Since many infants die at the earlier stage of infancy, it can be determined that Crigler-Najjar syndrome type 1 is one of severe disorders of the hepatic bilirubin due to the complete absence of the BGT hepatic bilirubin.
Q3. Since, it is a very complicated condition that requires immediateattention and medical intervention as well. However, it can be determined that it is important to monitor the condition of the newborn, and consistently monitor the condition of child through various investigations including biochemical such as blood type of the infant and mother, direct antiglobulin test, values of the hematocrit and hemoglobin, and specifically monogram for values of bilirubin after each hour.
Medical Harvard Case Solution & Analysis
Q4. The clinical syndrome of the jaundice in the infants with the elevated unconjugated bilirubin might be gilbert syndrome. Because, it can be the diagnosis with unconjugated bilirubin multiple times in the infants. In which the bilirubin is found to be associated thus, it is highly anticipated that infant has gilbert syndrome. However, the diagnosis might change due the many other findings time to time over the physical examination, or other investigations.
Q5. The biochemical scientists and clinician should be aware of the associated test results such as the hourly unconjugated bilirubin, direct antiglobulin test, hematocrit and hemoglobin. Similarly, there are many complications to understand,as there are many other medical conditions that requires attention with respect to the medical conditions of the premature infants.
Case B
Q1. The liver is one of most of important organ for the human being since it performs many functions in the human body. Such as protein metabolism because it synthesizes the amino acids from other acids. Meanwhile, it also detoxify the drugs and poisons in the human body. It has multiple enzymes that works to break down the drug or the poisonous molecules. On the other hand, liver also stores fat-soluble vitamins such as the E, D, B12, and A as well.
Q2. The liver performs many important functions in the human body. Since there are many complications to understand because there are many enzymes that works to protect the body from processing the toxic substance during the metabolism process. Similarly, the enzymes works over many conditions with respect to the other proteins and vitamins as well. However, it can be determined that it is multidisciplinary organ that works over the many objects......................

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