Maryam Hassan Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Maryam Hassan Case Solution

Maryam Hassan is an internationally recognized management expert and author. She has published several business books and has contributed to various business journals. Her expertise includes the creation and application of PESTLE Analysis, which is an essential tool for strategic decision-making.

Problem Statement

For a girl with swollen feet, constant fever, and no treatment, the problem statement of Maryam Hassan's disease was a long and painful one. She was diagnosed with multi-drug resistant TB, a rare strain of the disease, and spent the better part of a year in a hospital bed. Her treatment was a success and she is now on her way to completing her twelfth year of school. However, her story is not over. She has lost her mother and stepfather and is trying to make ends meet. It is an uphill battle, but she is a determined young woman.

In fact, it was the USAID staff that took the initiative to see what was happening and to help. They referred Maryam to a specialized hospital in the nearby city of Zaria, about 160 km from her home. This specialised hospital has bed space for patients suffering from MDR-TB. The hospital also teaches its patients about proper hygiene and nutrition. Seeing a doctor and taking the recommended dose of TB drugs are two of the biggest challenges that face young women in the region.

As a result, many girls suffer and some, like Maryam, succumb to the disease. In fact, 6,000 children were diagnosed with TB last year.

Porters Five Forces

Among the most practical strategic frameworks today is Porter's five forces model. The model identifies the factors influencing the competition in an industry. It expands managers' myopic stance and enables them to view the situation from a more broader perspective.

One of the studies based on this model is the Zanzibar seaweed industry. A study was conducted on the island of Zanzibar in the United Republic of Tanzania, and was aimed at analysing the potential for profitability in the sector. Using Porter's five forces model, the study examined the factors contributing to the low profitability. Specifically, the study looked at the development of organisational capabilities and operational models. It also investigated the relationship between organizational resilience and competitiveness.

Another study examining the pharmaceutical industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia employed the five forces model to assess the factors affecting the market. The study found that there was a positive advantage in terms of the bargaining power of suppliers, local and global entry, and rivalry among competitors. However, there are a number of potential threats. Among these were high-performing substitutes and low switching costs.

The study concluded that the pharmaceutical industry is a challenging one in both developed and developing countries. Moreover, the government has little to no role to play in promoting the industry. Rather, companies must compete in both domestic and international markets to succeed. To address this problem, the study proposed two solutions.


If you're looking for actresses to watch, you might want to consider Maryam Hassan. She played the character Tamika in the movie School of Rock. As the film opens, a timid girl named Tamika is assigned to a transportation squad. When the band is given the lead vocal duties, she is put to work studying the songs she's assigned to. The band eventually finds out that Tamika has a talent for singing and is put on the lead vocals. However, she's reassigned to a less demanding role when she begins to sing Aretha Franklin's "Chain of Fools" instead of her own.

After starring in the movie, Hassan moved on to other roles, such as Vocal Arranger and Songwriter. Her latest single, Plush, charted on iTunes at number 23. You can purchase the album on Apple Music. It's also been featured on new R&B releases. In addition, Hassan is currently working on an EP.

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