Leadership Assignment Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Leadership Assignment Case Solution

Leaders Although Incomplete But Effective

In a perfect world, a leader knows how to do everything accurately, but because we live in an imperfect world, a person cannot be good at everything all the time. Most of the companies fail to produce effective results because they have a perfect leader managing the companies. This might be surprising to some, but it is very common in the corporate sector where the leaders are driven by their track record of success. If the leader in a specific organization does not change as the business grows and becomes complex, then in such cases it results in them performing poorly. A good leader is the one who takes advantage of their strengths and overcoming their weak points. An example of such a person that comes to my mind when I think of a great leader was my boss in my first job, Mr. Eric. In my mind, he was an influential leader who identified his weaknesses and used his strengths to mitigate his weaknesses. He had good decision-making power, efficiently multi tasked and had excellent communication skills. There was a saying about him in the office, which went like this "Mr. Eric could get you to do anything". Moreover, he was designated as the CTO in the company where he lacked knowledge regarding the latest and technology and innovations. He made up for this weakness with his communication skills. and He managed his team to do most technical tasks, which were difficult for him to work on. This sight was remarkable to watch, him manipulate the more technical individual in doing the most technical tasks to achieve the monthly quota of the team. (Chuang)

   Employees, On Road to Marginal Performance

A marginal performer is an employee, who sometimes performs adequately, but rest of the time performs poorly. Such an employee may have the potential to do the job, but would lack the will or drive to perform efficiently and effectively. An example of such a person that comes to my mind when I think of marginal performers was my colleague, John Scott, a technical supervisor at my workplace. I observed that sometimes he would do the task so perfectly that even I would be amazed whereas,most of the time he did not meet the deadlines and performed inefficiently. His performance deteriorated that his manager, who I believe didn't know how to handle the situation, threatened to fire him if he did not perform up to the mark. If I were the manager of John Scott at that time, I would have handled things differently. (O'Reilly)

Communication: I would have clearly communicated to him what I expected from him and would have set a standard for him to follow. Moreover, I would assess whether his performance met the standards of the company, and if it did not, then he would be required to change his performance accordingly.

Feedback:Feedback would be taken from him on a regular basis and as well as he would be provided with constructive criticism on the feedback received.

Supervision:I would have worked more closely with him to set him on the direction that he needed to be on so as to ensure he performed better.

Motivation:I would have motivated him by praising him on his good performance.This, in turn, would have clarified expectations and and provided positive reinforcement to him......................

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