Leadership and Management Concepts Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


The case illustrates the dilemma in the ABC Company after going through an acquisition.Such acquisition has made theexisting employees disgruntled due to the fact that the management has hired new individuals to perform the functions anddrive change in the organization. Underthe particular situation, the role of the leader is defined and understood to both employee parties at the same page, by developing a sense of ownershipand accountability.

Such an approach along withother recommendationsare being made to the organization to dealwiththe issue effectively.The paper concisely differentiatesbetween therole ofmanagement and theleadersin the organization that may either sustain the change in the organization or may makethe organizationvulnerable after bringing the respective change.

Keywords:  Competitive edge, Leadership, Managers.


ABC initiated its business in the market by acquiring the XYZ Biochemical Waste Management Water Company and combining itself with ABC Water Products. ABC initially offered water products to the automotive industry, chemical processing, microelectronics and mining. In the later period, the company acquired XYZ that had been offering biochemical technologies to manage the waste product and management in different industries.

Since the idea to acquire has been to tap into the innovation and market opportunity, Jim billing has been hired as the CEO of the solution division, upon his hiring as CEO, he hired new talent in the organization and developed the culture of performance metrics to reward and incentivize the employees. Such disgruntled the senior employees since they took such initiative as discrimination, leading to demotivation and thus, high employee flight ratio, low performance and eventually low profit.

In such a situation, Jim Billing developed the JAM portal to understand the issues that have been hindering the performance of the employees in the market, leading to high switching ratio and losing of potential employees in the organization.

The case outlines the effective leadership and the role of managers in maintaining the motivation level and sustaining change in the organization.It also differentiates the managementstyle and leadership role of the CEO to bring in change and maintain the satisfaction andperformance of the employees.

Different role of leader and managers

Role of Leader and Managers in Organization

Leaders are basically the ones that create the vision for the company.They encourage and influence others in order to take a step ahead in a certainway to performbeyond the defined lines.Infact, they inspirethe functionalteams to perform and set new platform in order to succeed in themarket.On the other hand, managers set the goals in an organization, measuring and settingthe goals and controlling the given situation and risk in order to exceed the desired goals.

In addition to this, leaders are risk takers, they take the maximumamount of risk and drive theresource and capabilities in order to achieve the desired outcome.They, infact, develop the long term strategy and short term goals to attain thedesired results.On the other hand, managers do not take risk and focus on reiterating the past practicesin order to attain the desiredresults. Themanagers merely takecalculatedrisk so as to eradicate the factor of non-performance and non-attainment of the end goals.

Moreover, the leaders are the change agents. They embrace the change and look for better opportunities in the existing way of the organizational performance and maintain the winning personalityandleadership style in attaining the prescribed change.On the other hand, managers are basically status quo, they remain in the defined boundariessetby the management and try to maintain these boundaries in order to be effective andefficient in the organization...................

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