Jeff Salett Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Question no.1

Salett had a vision of implementing integrity in the control function of the company. Though the vision was great and could be a tool for success, but there were risks involved. The main risk of announcing the vision as a guiding vision was that he could have felt pressure from the control function. As control function could oppose this vision, since they might be involved in fraud and this vision could disclose their illegal activities.

Moreover, there was a risk involved as he assumed that the CEO was on his side, so if anything wrong happened he was to be blamed as he was taking a huge risk not involving the CEO. Even though CEO supported his idea, but he was not on his side. When Salett planned to announce the new guiding vision he was quite enthusiastic and already decided himself for setting up the vision of integrity in the control function. Furthermore, he didn’t take the permission from the CEO, so he didn’t know that there was risk involved in it.

Question no. 2

The approach that Salett took was quite optimistic approach. He wanted the control function to consider integrity as an important factor. The control functions are the functions which are related to regulated activity of the firm. So, integrity in the control function may result in the efficiency and productivity of the control functions. Inducing the integrity in the control function of the company can be very fruitful.

Therefore, he did the right thing of inducing integrity in the control function of the company. This approach was excellent as he wanted to bring a true and fair culture in the company and eliminated different illegal activities like fraud, theft and many more. Thus, this approach was out of the box and also a very loyal one.

Salett’s approach was tough to be induced in an organization. As there were different risks involved in it. But, the approach of Salett worked as he was serving as Corporate Controller, and he had control over different functions of the company. Moreover, his position allowed him to follow this approach for the success of the organization.

Another reason for the successful approach proposed by Salett was that he had support from the CEO of the company. The CEO, was also convinced by Salett that what kind of value, integrity, and how the companies in the past used this approach for entering the era of success. Bringing integrity in the organization may provide results like true and fair system, check and balance of the employees, reduction of fraud and increasing the productivity of employees.

Question no. 3

If Salett was a different kind of person then there were chances that he wouldn’t vision the integrity on the border line of control function. Salett would have used his position for fulfilling his needs. He would have never induced integrity in the organization as this would have restricted the employees of the organization. Salett would have used his position for the illegal means.

He would have committed fraud, get involved in unethical practices and followed the path which was not destined for the success of the organization. If he was a different person then he wouldn’t have thought for the success of the company. He would have avoided the new visions and was reluctant towards changes. He would have not indulged in the coordination with the CEO. There must be initiatives taken for the integrity of a company. But, he wouldn’t have taken measures in fact he would have tried to commit fraud in the organization.....................

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