Created as a subsidiary of Junior Achievement International (JAI), the program was named Emprededores Juveniles de Nicaragua which was created in the year 1991. Since 1997, EJN developed a fresh method of the conventional model of JAI for young entrepreneurs' instruction by selecting youths in danger to participate in its systems. Although the new youthful entrepreneurs' model managed to get on-going support from UNICEF, the conventional plan, essentially financed by private sector contributions, lost impetus and eventually had no beneficiaries in 2000.
By the end of the year 2002, the executive director of the plan expected to keep or raise the amount of beneficiaries in the new format and had to find strong support for the conventional plan. Supplies advice on the societal plans developed by three private companies-- Coca Cola, Pizza Hut, and Texaco --and their relationship with EJN.
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