Good leaders ask good questions Case Study Solution
In the book, “The Good leaders Ask Good Question”, John Maxwell delves into the process of becoming a successful leader by examining how questions can be used to advantage the leader and the team. What are the questions leaders should ask themselves? What questions should they ask to the members of their team? He then responds to the toughest problems leaders have, presented to him.
Using social media, Maxwell offered the floor to followers with unanswered questions about what it takes to achieve the professional best, and then selected seventy questions about what it takes to achieve their professional best, and selected questions on the most popular topics, which includes:
- How can I discover my unique purpose as a leader?
- What is the most effective habit that any leader should develop?
- How do you motivate an unmotivated person?
- How would you work with a difficult leader who has no vision?
- What is the right time for a successful leader to move on to a new position?
- How do you move people into your inner circle?
- How would I succeed under poor leadership?
- How can I develop leaders?
- How can I successfully navigate leadership?
- How do I resolve conflict and lead Challenging people?
This book is a thorough, insightful response to those readers and anyone who feels they are stagnant on their journey to develop their ultimate potential. Every leader has a room to grow, and no matter whether you are a seasoned leader at the top of the game or a newcomer wanting to take the first step into leadership, this book will be provide guidance and will help you improving the leadership life.
Discussion of Author’s Main thesis
In this book, the author discusses the assumed position of the leaders who tend to stop asking questions of themselves and others too. In this book, Maxwell believes that asking the right question can be advantageous. In the book Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, Maxwell has explained why questions are so important to ask and not only asking questions to others but also to oneself in order to know the current stance the leader and the team as well.He further emphasizes on the essence of asking good question, in his viewpoint, good questions provide in-depth knowledge of the understanding developed as well as they inform the leader where the team stands and where he himself stands in the perspective of his team, which, as a result,allows the leaders to set their game ahead and enhance their leadership skills in order to overcome the stagnant position of being a leader.
He further explained the importance of question itself, stating that good questions inform, but great questions transform, and to prove this fact he proposed many cases in the book, which explained how asking a single question provoked the inner ability of a leader as well as the employees that they totally transformed into something that they had never been before. The writer also adds in the discussion by popping a question to the reader that how a good question you asked yourself has transformed or brought difference in your life.
In order to prove his critique and viewpoint and the theory he proposed, he invited people from all over the world to ask him open questions about leadership and added seventy questions which he discussed in the book. He further added his experience to strengthen his theory and also guided the readers and nonreaders that what questions they must ask according to their position.
Tone of the Book
Maxwell has taken a very simple approach in writing the book. He believes that simplicity is the key of understanding and also the key of his success of his motto, which is to providebetter solutions to the problems faced by the leaders.He. firmly believes that we as humans should always keep things simple; the simplicity of anything is the pathway of the success of the task or destiny.
Maxwell did notwant to off-put the reader, which is why Maxwell used thought-provoking and encouraging tone which engaged the reader and avoided monotonous tone to avoid uniformity or stagnancy of the concept. His friendly and conversational tone has kept complex concepts of leadership lesson pleasant, easy to understand, and diffusing in the mind of the reader.
Maxwell has kept a mix of 1st person and 2nd-person perspective write up in the book.At different stages in the book, the writer has addressed the reader in order to build the interest and understanding of the concept to get diffused in the mind. The theory of asking the questions to the readers is that they will develop the right direction of understanding to ask right question to others in a right way to get the maximum information that the leader intend to extract from the team. Maxwell has wrote the book with the basic assumption that all the readers are working somewhere so training them and leading them to a right path by making them question themselves will have a big impact on the functioning techniques of the organization.
In the book, the writer has kept the reader spell-bound by first asking the question and then providing the right answer of the right approach to deal,rectify,and then by amending the same question the reader asked to himself, thus building a high amount of interest and concentration in the book.
The conversational style of the book enabled the reader to think of himself as an actual person for whom the book is written. This particular style of the writer has led Maxwell to say his voice out in proving his point without any restriction of write up which made this book very interesting,it is like we are not reading but listening to Maxwell and discussing the leadership questions which the reader has.
Contribution of the Book
The writer in this book has searched and proposed new grounds for the effective leadership;no one before till now has emphasized on the value of asking question. He raised his stance on the matter of asking the question and what value these questions carry that can literally shift the paradigm of leadership. And not only that, his theory is not only restricted to be used in organization but to every ground of life. He, through his book, has taken the first step to revolutionize our society, which stop sus from asking question from the time of your birth.
From the start, we are trained not to ask questions or particularly not asking the right question, which dwells so deeply into our behavior that we start not asking questions in any stage of life, in any role of life. We always consider asking question as bad, or feel hesitant if asked any question to counter the question. Maxwell has written against these basic behavior al dilemma our society is facing which is affecting the leadership qualities of any personnel. In his perspective, the phenomenon of asking the question and the right question leads to effective leadership, be it any role of life. He has effectively and beautifully bridged the two concepts which are “questions” and leadership”.
Good leaders ask good questions Harvard Case Solution & Analysis
This book provides the basic understanding of the value of question by driving its concept from human nature which is asking questions, which unfortunately has been “conditioned” to not ask the question which makes a human being a robot doing what he has been asked to do and not pondering over his performance himself and also n the team. Maxwell, through this book broke the conditioning concept by proving and asking thought-provoking questions that are so essential to ask but many of us neglect those questions or the importance of question. Through this book, Maxwell has tried to break the stereotyping about asking questions and has encouraged the leaders, the teams, the non readers to ponder, think and ask.He emphasized on not to hesitate because this is the first step to learn that will challenge you and your position in a positive manner..........................
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