Genpact India Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Genpact India Case Solution

5. Root Cause Analysis

In management, the root cause analysis is conducted in order to find solution to the company’s existing problems. The first and foremost things is the cause and effect analysis which describes the root causes of obstacles.

The RCA Root Cause Analysis were done to find the problems and their solutions.

  • Problem Identification.
  • Information and Data collection.
  • Root causes.
  • Recommendations for the problems.
  • Necessary solutions.

The management analyzed the main causes of the problem which detected that there is an absence of  proper recording of the stock and supplier’s profile. The delivered goods are stock in warehouses for a long time and they are not checked properly and recoded in the database system. The other issue found that there is no customer integration process where the feedback of the customer is recorded and their complete profile. The effects of the problems generated in the shape of technical issues and customer dissatisfaction with the supplies. Moreover, the effects resulted in the decline of the sales and revenue of the company. Moreover, the image of the company got affected negatively in its relevant industry as the aftermath of the issues being faced by it


As already discussed above, the critical issue Genpact is facing in the operations,is the incorrect goods tracking, so the first alternative which I suggest is the database system, which would help in detecting the company’s  goods thoroughly. The company should use the database tracking system software to track the goods accurately. By perusing with this alternative Genpact will be able to get their supply chain on track and the quality of their goods will be improved. This alternative is very essential for the company to adopt because due to this issue company is losing its customer base, losing its competitive edge in the market and market share.

Another issue which we have discussed already was that company was lacking customer feedback because for the company it is important to upgrade according to the customer changing preferences. So another alternative which I would suggest would be to collect Customer feedback and integration to improve the customer services and product supply. This alternative will allow the company to make future plans according to the customer changing demands and changing trends in the market. Whereas we can say that customers are god for any company and most companies ask for customer feedback to get insight into customer issues.

Another issue we discussed was the discount offerings and because the company was not offering the customer discounts so I would suggest company Procurement strategies for the clients where discount offerings will help the company to gain more customer base. As discussed in the issues company was losing its customer base due to low demand. The company can recover its customer base by offering discounts. These alternatives will help the company in bringing an improvement in its image and reputation in order to regain its customer base. This will help the company in generating higher sales and higher revenues, as customers have huge tendency to get attracted by the discount offers.

Research and development are one of the main potential areas of improvement for the companies, whereas I would suggest the company invest in the research and development center to promote Innovation and refurbishing in the company. Research and development is a very important factor for the company which has the tendency to help it in  getting updated information regarding the issues which are floating in the industry.Whereas, potential companies prefer to invest in the research and development of the company so that the company could enhance its strategic development.


Genpact is a developing company and has enough potential to grow and reach a good mark in the industry. Whereas I would suggest the Genpact Company to implement the database system software, as the technology investment will allow the company to make investments in the development and designing of a good and effective supply chain system. Genpact should invest in the research and development through which it would be able to identify the competitors and also to analyze how and what they are offering, Genpact should analyze the competitor’s strategies and should make its strategic plans accordingly. To survive in the industry it is important to follow the trends and to focus on the customers’ demands, because customers’ demands lead you to transform the Supply chain management process in an efficient manner, which would have higher possibilities of successful outcomes.

Company should conduct the internal and external environment analysis to evaluate the threats and opportunities. To avail those opportunities and prevent threats Genpact should conduct internal analysis to analyze the internal potential of company. These analysis will help me as administrator operations to analyze the opportunities and reengineer the whole supply chain management process to reduce the cost and increase the revenues of the company. Research and development is a very important area for investment because it allows us to update the trends and new technologies,which our industry is using and these will help us in implementing these new technologies in our supply chain management, which will help us in reducing the cost of operations and in achieving the  economies of scale.

Implementation Plan

To re-engineer the supply chain management process some steps are required to be followed, which are explained below step by step:

  1. Planning

In this stage, we will make the strategies of how to add new database system software in the supply chain management process with an inclusion of making strategies of investing in the company’s research and development. In this step, we will also make plans on how the product can fulfill the customers’ demands. Further strategies metrics will be made to implement the product and activity strategies.

  1. Developing

After planning, the next step is to gather the data and collect the alternative resources which we can use.After data gathering, we will analyze each option and then evaluate them based onthe pros and cons of the available resources and cost-benefit analysis. After finalizing the software system; we will take the data of suppliers and will conducta cost analysis regarding which supplier would be suitable to deal with............................

Genpact India Case Solution

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