Critical Appraisal Report on Marketing Activity Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Critical Appraisal Report on Marketing Activity                                       Case Solution 

Critical Appraisal Report for Round 5 on Marketing Activity


This critical appraisal report attempts to analyze the marketing decision for the ABC manufacturing company. Marketing decisions of the companies are highly important in order to decide how much the product would be demanded in the specific locations where the production of the products has been scheduled or where the production facilities of the company will be located.

The decisions regarding the selling price to be set for each of the technology’s product, the cost that would be charged and the level of the margin that should be maintained by the companies are all made under the marketing activity. In this critical appraisal report also, the most optimal marketing results will be analyzed however, before that the total estimated demand and the available capacity under each of the available technology in the three location choices of the company will also need to be evaluated and analyzed.

The three locations are USA, Asia and the Europe. The company is planning the produce two product lines of its products and in the previous round we had identified the most optimal quantities and the locations where those quantities should be produced. The most critical decision variables in the marketing decision for the ABC manufacturing company are the demand uncertainty, location of the facility, selling price per unit, cost per unit, margin decisions, total demand and the total available capacity of the company.

Critical Review of Literature

The primary objective of this critical literature review of the marketing decisions is basically to analyze the current state of the marketing strategies, concepts and the theories in time of uncertainty. However, the literature has always stated that there is no general way through which marketing decisions could be made or there are no specific theories or concepts for this (Akan, 2006). Also there are no mature theories or any specific concepts in order to make the marketing decisions related to the intangible resources of the companies.

First of all, before analyzing the literature for making the marketing decisions if we define marketing then it could be easily defined as the managerial and the social process through which the individuals interact with one another and ultimately acquire or achieve what they need. They achieve this by exchanging something of value to others and the overall marketing concept consists of the set of the activities which are taken by the individuals in order to maintain the desirable exchange which has taken place (Alexander, 1985).

This exchange is basically an exchange of the needs and so it forms also the basics for the literature review of the marketing decisions. On the other hand, making the marketing decisions is one of the most crucial activities of an organization since they are making a decision to serve the end users in the market and that too in the face of the competition. All the messages and the products are sent by the competitors and the company to the customers through a number of the channels and there are a range of factors that impact upon the way in which the firms make their marketing decisions which specifically consist of the social, cultural, technological, physical, economic and the demographic factors (Allio, 2005).

According to a number of the scholars it has been stated that the marketing decisions are basically the problem of the exchange problems and they are not at all related to the problem of the transactions. This is because in an exchange sometimes it is not at all necessary that a transfer of the money takes place from one part to another however, if an agreement is signed and two parties agree on a particular thing then a transaction is said to take place.................

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