COCA-COLA’S ‘Ekocool’ SOLAR COOLER Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

COCA-COLA’S ‘Ekocool’ SOLAR COOLER Case Solution

The Marketing planning has various interrelated and advanced parts and includes the marketing perspectives of the firm. Coca-Cola is a best example of a profitable market for creating a well-established and well-known brand throughout the world. The functions of a powerful market planning consists of suitable studies,examining all the appropriate parts.

Market segmentation:Market segmentation is a planned way of splitting the market according to the capacity and ability of the consumers and to use appropriate methods to increase the revenue and thus, to profit from each divisions. Coca Cola has used this approach to distinguish the market in terms of new developing markets, as many developing countries play an-important role in the company’s growth.

  1. Product Progress and Consumers Relationships: Product progress is important to the growth of the firm's profile. Consumers are more likely to trust the branded product and often consider the brand to be best as compared to non-branded product, as the brand name is also perceived as a state of the market

3: To increase financial productivity in any business; the primary goal is to get bigger returns on investments, with high efficiency, for achieving which; financial productivity plays a vitalrole. Coca Cola has made an attempt to achieve financial flexibility through a mix known as the zero ‟work charge - where the yearly budget is correct from zero and must be adapted-annually rather than just continuing at the accepted levels over the years. (Lamb, 2011)

4: By focusing on core features and business characteristic;Coca Cola has made a business model with a profile that includes more than 400 items,covering from soft drinks to mix milk and more. The company has managed to have a variety of consumers, thereby generating profits from all divisions of the market segmentation. (Harrison, 2010)

Value proposition

Competitive advantage is achieved by doing better than the competitors, with a combination of strategic factors: (‘decision criteria’):

  1. Food type (Thai versus Italian versus Greek)
  2. Menu range – narrow, standard, or large
  3. Food quality – poor, average or good
  4. Restaurant presentation (traditional versus Modern) –unappealing, average, or attractive
  5. Customer service (polite and cheerful versus sour) – poor, average or good
  6. Location (good parking options, close to transport) – poor, average or good
  7. Hours of operation – short, average, or long
  8. Price – cheap, average, or expensive

> The problem is that there are many combinations just looking at 2-8 (assume three levels each):

> The number is 3 multiplied together 7 times, which yields 2,187 unique positions.

What Is an Ecosystem?

The alignment structure of the multilateral set of partners that need to interact in order to have a focal value proposition to materialize.”

Cooperating With Rivals

  • Sometimes extreme level of conflicts can damage the company and can provide advantage to the rivals to steal the competition.
  • Working with rivals can create more rivalry than other rivals (or possible rivals).

Platforms and firm’s Value

  • Several networks lose money.
  • As compared to the biggest online network firm's listed publicly from 19’s to 2015, with an authority sample.The two representatives had the same annual sales level (nearly $ 4.6).
  • However, network-firms achieved their revenues in terms of the number of staff, had increased income, doubled in area, and were more than twice as important as their regular equivalents.
  • However, network-evolution, even if it leads to an Initial public offering, is not a guarantee of future success.

Basic Types of Platforms

  • Unfamiliar network eases the development of new items, well suited with services, such as: PC or apps that are mainly built by firms from externally established commitment.
  • Adult operating network or online markets that help the rivals in trading their products and services or information services.

Risks of the online Ecosystem network: The peace of useful Data Recovery

  1. Risk of Information access:

The firm has an access to the consumer’s personal data.

Findings: Consumers are more likely to give their information (9%), speak negatively about the firm (24%), and then switch to a rival’s product (23%) when the firm accesses its consumer's private information. Firms must deliberately collect the consumer’s information. If the information cannot be used then advertisers should avoid using it.

  1. Vulnerable data breach:

Firms suffer from information violation and information related law breaches, which tend to decrease the share price of the firms by 30 % with an approximate loss incurred of $ 12 m. Firms with low light showing have a share price of 1.5 t with an increased light display.

Suggested future strategy alternatives

Coca-Cola must deal these 3 marketing challenges to create extra value

Narrowing its focus

Coca-Cola, like all the other firms, is at its key at making valuable decisions for the firm. Any variable that affects its decision making tends to affect the whole firm’s profitability, which could slow down its products advertising time, leaving it vulnerable to its rival firms. In today’s  technological world with the era of social media marketing; any bad decision of the company could lead it towards bitter response by the consumers over social media, which could further decrease its profit generation, providing a chance to its rivals to steal the company’s angry customers..............................

COCA-COLA’S ‘Ekocool’ SOLAR COOLER Case Solution

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