Caterpillar Tunneling: Revitalizing User Adoption of Business Intelligence Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Conclusion of Issues

In spite of the efforts put in by the company to make the new ERP system a successful one at CTCC, it still had some lacking and shortcomings. The basic mistake was that there were only two ERP analysts, who were actually responsible to manage and look after BI. Along with this, the company had limited number of expertise on the new ERP system. With an increase in demand, the ERP team began to feel the stress and strain of excessive queries. Moreover,  due to the increase in demand for BI, team members increased a bit because only two members had expertise; therefore, training new employees was done via social media network. Although, some of the team members liked the idea but many of them hesitated and felt that it was a distraction in their work. It turned out to be a poor change by the company. Finally, the main issue with BI was that it was a reactive approach and only facilitated and accommodated the report designer and the requestor because everyone could not understand it. BI has the overlapping feature that created hassle amongst departments. Some of the employees felt that BI was a confusing inclusion in the company. In fact, it was constructed and performed to overcome current problems and did not have a vision to facilitate in the company in the long term.


As the case discusses, BI as the ERP platform was implemented because of lack of resources to implement SAP within CTCC. Although, BI had developed and transformed some of the departments within CTCC to the positive side, but still it lacked the creditability and trust within the team members or the employees. The most obvious issue with BI was that it was not a proactive ERP model, in fact it was a reactive measure to departmental problems and lacked consistency.

Standardized BI platform

First of all, the recommendation for CTCC is to standardize operations of BI at CTCC. The ERP was more of a reactive approach rather than being proactive and a problem solver. Therefore, the company should standardize its operations across the company and maintain it.

Training of New Analysts

As for now, the two ERP analysts were performing the BI implementation at CTCC. With an increase in demand, new analysts were hired who were trained through social media. This was not the right move and did not prove to be successful. Therefore, CTCC needs to conduct training sessions for every new joinee and make him accustomed to the implementation of BI so that they can resolve customer and departmental queries right away.

Reconciliation of Reports

CTCC needs to develop a strong system where all the previous data and reports are gathered within a particular profile and network so that this data can be used and shared across the company for future projections and past experiences......................................

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