By the Sea Biscuit Company Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


  • As compared to other products and competitors offerings, the sea biscuit company’s products prices are low.
  • The US regions local stores are nearby Canada which helps to reduce distribution cost and potential growth.
  • Due to the appreciation in the US dollar as compared to Canadian dollar, expenses of company will be lower.
  • By ignoring higher shipping cost, the company’s refrigerated shipping containers are cost effective alternative, which help to differentiate its product and services from competitors,ultimately helping it to create a competitive advantage over competitors.



  • Competition from existing companies in the US market can create difficulties for the company which will ultimately throw out “by the sea biscuit company” form existing competition, resulting in shutting down of its operations.
  • Exchange rates between two currencies, the US dollar and Canadian dollar can fluctuate in upcoming years. This unpredictability might lead to a heavy decrease and increase in cash flows of the company.

Recommendation& Conclusion:

After making detailed analysis, it is recommended that alternate 2 should be selected because it gives higher revenues and profits as compared to alternate 1. Revenue and profit from alternate 2 are 1,864,838 dollars and 661,827 dollars respectively while revenue and profit from alternate 1 are 1,822,130 and 628,963 respectively. (lower than alternate 2).

Due to highly saturated US market, By the sea biscuit company will have essentials to differentiate its products’ positioning form competitors, otherwise it will result in its exit form market. The positioning strategy for By the sea biscuit company will be the lower priced high quality products in the form of traditional biscuits and Healthy Omega 3.

Due to free competition in Canadian market, the company will not need to worry about it, which might lead to a wide range of new product offerings. New offerings time to time seems to be a good and healthy option, which will create the distinctive brand image in the minds of customers which ultimately leads it to capture new segment and population in its existing target market, resulting more power or even monopoly in frozen biscuit market.

During first year of operation, the company must be in contact with customer and suppliers due to maintaining a healthy relationship with them, which will be beneficial for “by the sea biscuit company” for several purposes in upcoming years.


Exhibit 1: Market Size of Canada

Traditional Healthy Omega 3
Month Market Share % Number of Cases % of production Number of Cases Market Size % of production Number of Cases Market Size
1 0%                 - 0%                -                   - 0%                -                   -
2 0%                 - 0%                -                   - 0%                -                   -
3 0%                 - 0%                -                   - 0%                -                   -
4 0%                 - 0%                -                   - 0%                -                   -
5 10%          4,318 100%         4,318       232,382 0%                -                   -
6 20%          8,636 100%         8,636       464,765 0%                -                   -
7 30%       12,953 75%         9,715       522,861 25%         3,238       261,430
8 40%       17,271 75%      12,953       697,147 25%         4,318       348,574
9 50%       21,589 75%      16,192       871,434 25%         5,397       435,717
10 50%       21,589 75%      16,192       871,434 25%         5,397       435,717
11 50%       21,589 75%      16,192       871,434 25%         5,397       435,717
12 50%       21,589 75%      16,192       871,434 25%         5,397       435,717
Total     129,534    100,389    5,402,891      29,145    2,352,872

Exhibit 2: Production Plan for Alternate 1

  Traditional Healthy Omega 3
Month Number of Cases Revenue from Traditional Income from Traditional Number of Cases Revenue from Omega 3 Income from Omega 3
1                -                   -                     -                -                -                     -
2                -                   -                     -                -                -                     -
3                -                   -                     -                -                -                     -
4                -                   -                     -                -                -                     -
5       15,050       203,175            59,699                -                -                     -
6       15,050       203,175            59,699                -                -                     -
7       11,812       159,462            46,854         3,238       65,570            29,662
8       10,732       144,885            42,571         4,318       87,435            39,554
9         9,653       130,313            38,289         5,397    109,294            49,442
10         9,653       130,313            38,289         5,397    109,294            49,442
11         9,653       130,313            38,289         5,397    109,294            49,442
12         9,653       130,313            38,289         5,397    109,294            49,442
Total       91,256    1,231,949          361,979       29,144    590,181          266,984
Total Revenue                                                                                                                           1,822,130
Total Profit                                                                                                                              628,963

Exhibit 3: Pricing for Healthy Omega 3

Price of 1 bag  $       4.49
Number of biscuits in a bag 12
Number of bags in a case 18
Number of biscuits in a case 216
Price of 1 case 80.82

Exhibit 4: Production Cost & Breakeven Analysis

Production Cost Traditional Healthy Omega 3
Variable cost / case  $            7.78  $                       9.34
Fixed Cost  $                                           211,100
Unit cost  $            9.53  $                     11.09
Price per case  $          13.50  $                     20.25
Income Per case  $            3.97  $                       9.16
Breakeven point  $                                             40,076
Break even per product            30,057                       10,019

Exhibit 5: Market Size of New York & New England

Traditional Healthy Omega 3
Month Market Share % Number of Cases % of production Number of Cases Market Size % of production Number of Cases Market Size
1 0%                 - 0%                 -                   - 0%                -                   -
2 0%                 - 0%                 -                   - 0%                -                   -
3 0%                 - 0%                 -                   - 0%                -                   -
4 0%                 - 0%                 -                   - 0%                -                   -
5 10%             469 100%             469          25,219 0%                -                   -
6 20%             937 100%             937          50,438 0%                -                   -
7 30%          1,406 50%             703          37,829 50%            703          56,743
8 40%          1,874 50%             937          50,438 50%            937          75,658
9 50%          2,343 50%          1,172          63,048 50%         1,172          94,572
10 50%          2,343 50%          1,172          63,048 50%         1,172          94,572
11 50%          2,343 50%          1,172          63,048 50%         1,172          94,572
12 50%          2,343 50%          1,172          63,048 50%         1,172          94,572
Total       14,058          7,732       416,116         6,326       510,689

Exhibit 6: Production Plan for Alternate 2

  Traditional Healthy Omega 3
Month Number of Cases Revenue from Traditional Income from Traditional Number of Cases Revenue from Omega 3 Income from Omega 3
1                -                   -                     -                -                -                     -
2                -                   -                     -                -                -                     -
3                -                   -                     -                -                -                     -
4                -                   -                     -                -                -                     -
5       15,050       203,175            59,699                -                -                     -
6       15,050       203,175            59,699                -                -                     -
7       11,109       149,972            44,066         3,941       79,805            36,102
8         9,795       132,233            38,854         5,255    106,414            48,139
9         8,481       114,494            33,641         6,569    133,022            60,176
10         8,481       114,494            33,641         6,569    133,022            60,176
11         8,481       114,494            33,641         6,569    133,022            60,176
12         8,481       114,494            33,641         6,569    133,022            60,176
Total       84,928    1,146,531          336,882       35,472    718,307          324,945
Total Revenue                                                                                                                           1,864,838
Total Profit                                                                                                                              661,827



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