Burton Sensors. Inc Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Burton Sensors. Inc Case Solution

Question No 4

Marshall should not adopt the option of Electro Engineering Incorporation’s acquisition. It is because,the company is generating a negative net present value of $2,388.3 and a negative internal rate of return i.e. – 13.97% (Appendix 2). Furthermore, if the acquisition of EE Incorporation generates a zero NPV;it would still not be  recommended because it involves a very high opportunity cost, as a zero NPV indicates the project’s inflows to be equal to the outflows. The acquisition of EE will not provide long term benefits to the company and it would not increase the shareholders’ value.

Question No 5

The company would not be able to attain the benefit of EE acquisition in its balance sheet and income statement. In order to acquire the EE Company; the company would certainly need to generate financing, which is mainly focused on equity financing. However, the financial analysis of EE acquisition shows that the company would not generate wealth for its shareholders as it is generating a negative net present value as well as a negative internal rate of return. It would decrease Marshall’s market position. Therefore, the company is recommended to issue further stock as private equity in order to meet its future expansion options.  By utilizing this option, the company should purchase the Thermopylae machines, as its beneficial for the company, enabling it to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage in the industry.


Appendix 1

Risk Free Rate, rfr 3%
Risk Premium, rpm 6.50%
Rate on Debt, rd 4.80%
Rd(1-T) 3.12%
Beta (Based on comparable company) 1.25
Rate on Equity 11.10%
Weight of debt, wd 84.7%
Weight of equity, we 15.3%
Tax Rate 35.0%
WACC 4.3%


Purchase of Thermowell Machines
Industry CAGR 4.50%
 Outside Purchase - Savings  $            1,400,000
Initial Cost of Thermowell Machines  $               600,000
Number of machines 4
Useful life in Years 7
Salary expense  $               170,000
 Material & Rent Expense  $               780,000
Working Capital  $               650,000
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Initial Cost Outlay  $               600,000
WCI  $               650,000
 Cost Savings             1,400,000         1,463,000        1,528,835       1,597,633       1,669,526       1,744,655      1,823,164
Less: Expenses
Salary expense  $            170,000  $        170,000  $       170,000  $      170,000  $      170,000  $      170,000  $     170,000
 Material & Rent Expense  $            780,000  $        815,100  $       851,780  $      890,110  $      930,165  $      972,022  $  1,015,763
Depreciation  $              85,714  $          85,714  $         85,714  $        85,714  $        85,714  $        85,714  $       85,714
Total Income  $            364,286  $        392,186  $       421,341  $      451,809  $      483,647  $      516,919  $     551,687
Add: Depreciation  $              85,714  $          85,714  $         85,714  $        85,714  $        85,714  $        85,714  $       85,714
Less: Taxes  $            127,500  $        137,265  $       147,469  $      158,133  $      169,277  $      180,921  $     193,090
Total Cash outflow/ Inflows ($1,250,000)  $            322,500  $        340,635  $       359,586  $      379,390  $      400,085  $      421,711  $     444,311
Net Present Value, NPV $947,555.38
Internal Rate of Return, IRR 21.97%

Appendix 2

Share Value $4.75
Risk Free Rate 3%
Equity Risk Premium 5.80%
Rate on debt 6.50%
Weight of Debt 40.24%
Weight of Equity 59.76%
Tax Rate 35%
Equity beta 1.235
Rate of debt 10.16%
WACC   7.8%


NPV- Electro Engineering Inc
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Initial Investment  $            5,225.00
Sales  $            4,072.70  $                 5,050.15  $    5,933.92  $    6,824.01  $   7,642.89  $  8,407.18
Increase in Sales  $                    977.45  $       883.78  $       890.09  $      818.88  $     764.29
Reduction in COGS  $                    135.34  $       159.03  $       182.88  $      204.83  $     225.31
Reduction in SG&A  $                    101.00  $       118.68  $       136.48  $      152.86  $     168.14
Increase in A/c Payable  $                        7.88  $           7.88  $           7.88  $          7.88  $         7.88
Total Cash Inflows  $                 1,221.67  $    1,169.36  $    1,217.33  $   1,184.45  $  1,165.63
Less: Expenses
R&D  $                    272.68  $       320.39  $       368.45  $      412.67  $     453.93


Burton Sensors. Inc Case Solution

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