Aqua Sim Implementation Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Aqua Sim Implementation Case Study Solution 


The exponential growth in human race have escalated the use and need of several natural supplies. These supplies may, feature the likes of vegetables, fruits and water. Although these all are the basic necessity for humans to live and survive but water, being a versatile agent have the most importance. Water apart from taken as a hydrating agent have also use in extensive cleaning, washing and flushing purposes. A study shows that the drinking usage of water indoors in no more than 10% that means the other 90% is been used and dumped in to the sinks or drainages. Flushing and cleaning comprises 60 % of water usage and then been drained out to the sewerage lines.

As talked earlier the use and need of water is increasing day by day researchers are hereby looking at the techniques to process water before enteringin the atmosphere. Water, being the entity taken directly from tap all around the world, have to be provided to the atmosphere so to keep the cycle going. This processing should be done in a way that it left no trace of any hazardous bio degradable or insoluble elements in the water. These processes takes the water in bulk and passes it through several compartments to make sure the materials are excreted properly. Many processes have been designed and implemented but one process that stands out is the use of Activated sludge model or in short (ASM). As in any field, soft wares are used to simulate and verify the designs and theories proposed or given by any individual. The municipality department ‘Systems analysis, integrated assessment and modeling (SIAM)’ of Zurich, Switzerland have developed a computer program namely ‘AquaSim’ for the ‘Identification and Simulation of Aquatic Systems’.  The work presented here would use AquaSim to simulate the extend ASM for the Sulphate reduction, Autotrophic de-nitrification and Nitrification Integrated(SANI) Process.

The report in further sections will discuss the process itself and various expansions one can perform in AquaSim. The variables, compartments and processes that are used in the software are also given in upcoming sections of this report. The plots produced during this activity along with the discussions and conclusion is also a part of this report.

Literature Review

The activated sludge (AS) process gives the opportunity for any state or country to be able to process their wastewater. This process produces a high quality of effluent from the sewerage as compared to other operations and processes in reasonable cost and time. The basic working principle of such process is to add microorganisms in to the water that feed on the contingents in waste water. As the microorganisms grow they clump together as particles that falls down to the floor of the compartment leaving a relatively clear water on the surface.

In order to understand the process in few words, the wastewater is readily supplied with a liquid which already contains high proportion of microorganisms, from a secondary filtering tank. This mixture is stirred in the presence of air (to produce oxygen) in order to make the organism grow rapidly. The mixture then goes to the filter where the solid particles formed by the microorganism growth settles to the base of the tank. This water is then provided to other (if required) processes and further treatment.

The processes uses many terms that are necessary to point out before indulging in to the schematics of the AquaSim model. Activated sludge are the particles that are produced when the microorganisms is inserted in to the wastewater and they grow feeding on the waste product. Now these microorganisms are classified in two different categories. One are the organisms that create and make their own food just from the (photosynthesis) absorbing energy from sunlight or any absorption of any other chemical energy named Autotrophs. Other are the ones that rely on feeding it from other organisms, that may be found in plants, animals or any chemical agents in the surrounding named Heterotrophs. To improve the time taken by these organism to grow, a large amount of air has to be present in the tank therefore, naming the tank and the process both aeration tank and aerationprocess.

The process is done in order to get rid of some of the constituents of wastewater that can be dangerous to the health of people if left untreated.Water is the primary item in forming a wastewater as it is used to flush the waste in to the drainage so apart from water here are some elements that wastewater have in it. Pathogens, bacteria, Organic and inorganic particles, soluble organic material, soluble inorganic materials, insects, gases, macro-solids, emulsions, toxins and even pharmaceuticals. The water should be treated to exclude any such particles before further processes or being given out of the system to keep the natural circulation cycle of water going.The processes that includes the SANI process are listed in the next section accompanied by a section describing them................

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