THE HP-CISCO ALLIANCE (A) Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

THE HP-CISCO ALLIANCE (A)                                                                                                 CASE SOLUTION

Problem Statement

However, the issue is the difference amongst the two companies regarding the business process of the two firms.
In such a situation, the alliance team has to actually look upon overcoming the challenges that are usually faced in a strategic partnership. The linkage between the alliance strategy and the formal design of alliance is that the informal management has been too focused while sustaining the integrity of the two companies, their trust, emotions and perceptions as well.

Key Facts in the case

The two companies, HP and Cisco, actually announced the strategic alliance in 1997. The major reason for the alliance was to make sure that the two partners can work upon the joint initiatives where the focus was on IP telephony, the network management, the wireless and the Utility Data Center. In the initial year, the strategic alliance amongst the two partners made reasonable results and achieved decent progress.

The focus of the two firms has been on the emerging technologies. In 2002, the two companies updated the alliance agreement where they included a master agreement and it also had six detailed initiatives, which where the new areas of cooperation. The two companies reached a solution where HP was made to become more strategic while Cisco had to deal with the tactical aspect of the business. The decision was made by the team members to make sure that Cisco would work upon the Cisco channel organization.

This agreement was updated further in 2002 where the alliance agreement was to increase the master agreement and the six initiatives were to close the HP’s shareholders. The concern was the fact that the cultural difference amongst the two team members had issues and concerns because both of them have been part of the similar industry where the two of them have formed strong connection in the market place.

The major decision maker who had the responsibility of ensuring the responsibility of the alliance had been the alliance manager. They were basically made to develop the business strategy for the optimizing of the values of the alliance and also disseminating the strategy to overcome the sales issues also.

The major part of the global alliance manager’s job was to basically manage the complexity of the whole situation. The overall task of the alliance manager was to overlook the compelling business case and the strategic alliance of the manager, which had to deal with the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of the decision......................

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