1920 Evil Returns – Bollywood And Social Media Marketing Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

1920 Evil Returns - Bollywood And Social Media Marketing Case Study Solution

Problem statement

The problem occurred when Ami Shah, the founder of IntelliAssist, was given a task to plan an efficient social media campaign for marketing a Bollywood movie,titled ''1920 Evil Returns'' so that the movie could have blockbuster successful. The reason behind outsourcing her was that marketing strategies were considered assignificant factor for the success of any movie. Therefore, she needed to analyze all the factors that contributed towards marketing, including internal as well as external factors. Therefore, due to her efforts and effective planning, social media campaigns were successful. Now another challenge for her was to identify the factors for designing the marketing plans for another movie,which was a sequel of ''1920 Evil Returns'' with the title ''1920 London''. Ami was also required to identify an alternative to design the campaigns and their effectiveness much better as compared to her previous work for campaigning.

Strategic Analysis

To achieve her objectives, Ami Shah evaluated the market to identify the factors. She analyzed to identify the loopholes through a SWOT analysis.

SWOT Analysis

The first analysis is a SWOT analysis that shows the internal and external factors in the market. Internal factors will identify the weaknesses and strengths,whereas external factors will identify threats and opportunities.


  • In 45 days she achieved more than 65,000 fans, who were waiting for the movie,desperately.
  • On average, each post scored 800 to 1000 likes on the official Facebook page.
  • The number of comments and shares also showed remarkable progress.
  • Several fans created polls and stills for the movie, which helped to reach more audiences.
  • She suggested to upload the cover photo having the entire cast in the picture, and the page successfully reached to 1, 27,482 audience, which was a big number.
  • Due to the use of Facebook for campaigns, ROI for an advertisement campaign in movies, increased.
  • The other two Facebook pages were also promoted on Facebook, for the movie.
  • In only 30 days; there were 15, 00,000 views for videos and more than 650 subscribers on YouTube.
  • She posted page push, video ads and expandable Ads on many news sites and interest portals that grabbed the attention of the audience.


  • The internal weakness for social media campaigns for the movie included: not considering Instagram users as there was an audience that used Instagram as well.
  • A picture contest was criticized by critics and a sophisticated audience, however, it hada minor impact on the ROI of the social media campaign.


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