The Importance of Accurate Clinical Documentation Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

The Importance of Accurate Clinical Documentation Case Study Solution

Project Outcomes:

Factually, the quality of clinical documentation tends to be a critical issue for nurses both at national as well as the international level. It is often associated with the lack of clear rationale in terms of clinical evidence and decisions of a critical thinking process. (SMITH, 2012 ) The evaluation and analysis of the perception of the nurses and patients in terms of management of clinical documentation will be determined. Similarly, during the process of providing medical care to patients, the outcomes of this research will provide the researchers with strategies to combat the issues experienced during his/her service as a medical practitioners in any healthcare organization. As it believed that the documentation quality plays an essential part in encouraging an effective, consistent and structured communication among the individuals regarding the care, facilities continuity, and caregivers and safety of patients. (Osama A Alkouri, 2016)

Research design:

In this research study, a questionnaire is used as the data collection tool that mainly includes close-end questions. The participants of this study includes both nurses (who are responsible for clinical documentation) and patients (whose information is documented for determination of the issues and problems experienced by them during this process). The sample size of the study includes 100 nurses and 100 patients for evaluating the answers to the following questions:

  1. How accurate clinical documentation supports the management of patient’s medical care history?
  2. What are the impacts of errors regarding the documentation accuracy on the health of patient and the efficiency of management performance?
  3. What methods/processes could be used for the implementation of accurate clinical documentation?
  4. How a patient perceives the clinical documentation in a healthcare organizations?
  5. What are the current approaches of health information management regarding documentation and how they can be improved?


Hο: Accurate clinical documentation has an insignificant impact on the efficiency of the healthcare institution.

H1: Accurate clinical documentation has significant impact on the efficiency of healthcare institution.

Ho: Accurate clinical documentation has significant impact on the patients’ healthcare.

H2: Accurate clinical documentation has significant impact on the patients’ healthcare.


After the data was collected, it was placed on the excel sheet for analysis of the expected outcomes to identify whether the null hypothesis is accepted or rejected. Thus, Regression analysis is used to find the accurate clinical documentation impact on the efficiency of healthcare institutions (see table 1.1). The R square value shows the accuracy and the variance explain by the accurate clinical documentation. The analysis shows that although the accurate clinical documentation is not much explaining the efficiency because of the R square value. The value of R square is 0.045, which shows that there is only 4.5 % variance explained by the accurate clinical documentation.  In other word the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare institutions is only 4.5 %, depending on the accurate clinical documentation.

A NOV As table in the regression examine to find the model accurateness (see Table 1.2).  The P value is less than 0.05 shows that it is substantial to state that efficiency of healthcare organizations is depending on accurate clinical documentation.In other words, there is a significant relationship between accurate clinical documentation and efficiency of healthcare providers,it means H1 is accepted.While, Coefficient table (see Table 1.3) shows that accurate clinical documentation impact on the healthcare institutions’ efficiency is 0.223. Means the efficiency of healthcare centers is increased by 0.223,because of an accurate clinical documentation.

As per the summary output (see table 2.1) given below, R square shows that only .0010 variation in the overall model is explained by the accurate clinical documentation. Precisely, only 0.1% of the patients’ healthcare is improved by accurate clinical documentation. Furthermore, P value of .649, which is greater than the level of confidence 95% i.e. 0.05, from the ANOVA (see table 2.2) shows that there is insignificant relation between accurate clinical documentation and patients’ health care. Put another way this model does not reject the null hypothesis, which  means there is number of other factors that are directly related to the patients’ healthcare............


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