IMD-2-0136 © 2007
Steger, Ulrich; Salzmann, Oliver; Ionescu-Somers, Aileen
He faces internal resistance against climate protection actions. In addition; the climate protection partnership – co-founded and ardently promoted by TechAm – is at a tipping point in light of open issues around governance; strategy; funds and staff.
The leading members have picked their low hanging fruits and are in hunt for the “next logical step” (e.g. advocacy calling for legislation). The laggards are more ardently concerned about organizational issues (in particular governance) and partially attempt to prevent more ambitious agendas. Learning objectives: Become more familiar with climate change problems (particularly in a US context). Become conscious of corporate actions addressing climate change issues; in particular through partnerships. Learn about key patterns and challenges associated with such partnerships and the way to conquer them.
Techam INC Managing Partnerships And Climate Protection case study solutionSubjects: Climate change; Partnership; Collaboration; Best practice; Climate protection
Settings: United States; Technology; Total revenues: US$ 15 billion; 2007
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