Process Control at Polaroid (A) Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Process Control at Polaroid (A) Case Solution

Implementation of Green Light Project

The case analyzed the importance of statistical inferences of the particular project implemented by Rolf; the primary target was to overcome the additional cost incurred during the production phase of the company. However, the actual performance of Polaroid seemed to be bad as compared to the project of Green light because the operators choose their decisions to test the sample of the products and not connected to the inspectors for further decisions about the quality of the product.

Rolf was aware of such disconnection between the auditors and the operators, which might hinder the performance and damage the production facility, the relationship was also not favorable to one another. After the critical analysis, he decided to go for a different process by allowing the fixed rules and regulations to control the cost at maximum interval.

He sat a basis-line to generate the results efficiently as compared to the poor results implemented by the operators in the past couple of years. Thus, the defective range of the products declined from 1% to 0.5% after the new process had launched but there was some critical situation with the auditors regarding the increase in the testing samples, which might incline to 10% in the year.

On other side, operators didn't want to inspect properly in order to hinder the increasing results of defectiveness and not to provide accurate results to the auditor due to some conflicts accrued in the past by the traditional way of processes. So according to the current situation, Rolf had changed the regulations in order to overcome these conflicts, he determined that the traditional process required the machines to shut down before the defection, which showed that some additional loss took place and therefore subjected to higher cost.

After the critical evaluation, he decided to shut down the machine during the defection of the products because this would require minimum loss as compared to the previous process. However, he needed to control the cost of the product by reducing the level of defective pieces determined through minimum samples and inspections. He also knew that individual process through statistical process control could increase the efficiency level within the machine as well as the labor.

During the phase of Green light, he also determined to increase the degree of inspection by giving the customers a high-quality products. This would require to focus on the consistency of the new project and could manage the additional issues faced through the maximum sampling techniques through a statistical approach.

Rolf was thinking about the future results implemented through the given process by allowing the operators to control some of the decisions for inspecting and monitoring the given samples incurred in the process. He also makes sure that the operators might not work well due to lack of relationships with the selected auditors or make the level of hoarding during the process. So he wanted a fully standardized rules to overcome all the threats associated with the production phase.

Evaluation of Statistical Process Charts

In order to determine the accuracy of the given samples and analyze the detective goods, an assessment of statistical process control was used. The components included the X-Bar and R charts to detect the probability of results.

POD Weight

It shows that six samples were used to analyze the upper limit and lower limit of control through the use of X-Bar and R value. In order to determine the value of both the lower and upper bound, a double mean of the selected sample means should be calculated and add to the constant value given for the number of situations. R is the range of the total sample, which shows the maximum as well as the minimum value produced through the bunch of the selected sample..................

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