Opening The Valve: From Software To Hardware (A) Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Opening The Valve: From Software To Hardware (A) Case Study Analysis

In fact, it didn’t happen because the delay was the last time Namco Bandai mentioned Ridge Racer Unbounded until the game on March 27, four days before it quietly appeared on the store shelf. the end of the issuer's fiscal year. Comments vary significantly (Game Spot gives 8.0), but Metacritic received 28 positive and only 4 negative comments. It’s hard to believe that publishers who don’t have to improve their financial performance all year can play a good game like “No Limit,” and that game could benefit from a good structure for marketing and bringing to market. A little exaggeration.

The valve is one of the most successful gaming companies in the world. It helps to introduce the idea of ​​digital distribution. The online version of the Steam app store sells third-party games, such as Skyrim and Call of Duty, in a known manner. However, the real value of Steam is that it provides independent publishers on an equal footing with game developers in large corporations.

The valve was originally one of those little guys. He founded Steam to sell his own games such as "Half-Life" and "Counter-Strike." We always knew that these games were very popular. However, a large-scale study of Ars Technical steam users now shows the size of the Valve Empire.

The study collected reading and sales data from thousands of Steam user profiles. Statistics show that Valve has had incredible success in transforming its internal games into popular games. Steam users spent 3 billion hours playing the fantastic multiplayer game of Valve Dota 2, and almost 1.5 billion hours playing the Team Fortress 2 cartoon and combat simulator game. The playing field is huge, and Valve is just part of it; for example, you can't play a Steam game on consoles like the Xbox. But at least in the areas under its control, Valve has managed to defeat the strongest giant in the industry.

Games supported by the valve take time. (I added a small Valve icon to the left of each title published by the company.) Only games like Dota 2 on Valve can get it; it helps explain why it is so popular, but only one point. The fact that players choose to allocate time can provide a way for egalitarians to measure popularity.

If you watch most games on Steam, the effect will be more obvious. Valve created the top 10 eight and the top 13 eight. These games exceed AAA-level franchise conditions, which cost millions of dollars in marketing without much effort.

Organizational Structure:

Hola racy is at the core of Valve's structure:

  • Flat structure
  • Core goal-oriented
  • Dynamic & flexible
  • Distributed control & authority
  • Self-organizing teams ('cabals')

Changing Environment:

  • The trend towards a closed PC environment
  • Software development hindered by not being able to exploit full hardware capabilities
  • Consumers moving into the living room

Should Valve Adopt to the Changing Environment:

Valve's Core Competence lies in its ability to create and develop innovative gaming software.

  • Individual Competence: "T" Shaped
  • Collective Competence: Shared understanding underpins core competence

Valve's structure supports its core competence

  • Flat structure fosters creativity, flexibility, and co-creation of game development
  • Hiring strategy: Focus on understanding rather than attributes
  • The new employee handbook: An explicit method of developing a shared understanding
  • Self-organizing teams: Implicitly creates a shared understanding and a culture of discipline

How does Valve adapt to the changing environment?

  • Option 1: Design & manufacture own hardware
  • Option 2: Do nothing
  • Option 3: Partner with hardware developer

Option 1: Develop & Manufacture Hardware


  • Allows complete control of the process to support advances in software
  • Not reliant on PCs: gets games into the living room and allows market penetration of Steam


  • Organizational structure not fungible to hardware
  • Changing organizational structure to suit hardware risks negatively impacting core competence
  • New distribution channels, relationships with retailers
  • Costly, particularly if it fails

Option 2: Do Nothing


  • No impact on the existing structure and core competence
  • Continue as a Hedgehog


Risk losing market penetration given trends

Option 3: Partner with Hardware Developer


  • Leave Valve's current structure and culture intact


  • Risks in partnering with the right developer and alignment of values and culture


We recommend Valve to keep their current structure and partner up with a hardware developer.


  • Focus on core capabilities
  • Allocate a team to manage external relationships


  • Scout for potential partners
  • Values and culture compatibility
  • Define the level of control given to partners
  • Protection of Intellectual Property


From where should the company start?

  • Define the structure needed for deals
  • Assign responsibility to manage partnerships
  • Scout and shortlist potential hardware developers
  • Define responsibilities (legal)
  • Manage deals / follow up

Production and distribution........................................


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