Mission in Flux: Michigan National Guard in Liberia Harvard Case Solution & Analysis

Mission in Flux: Michigan National Guard in Liberia Case Study Solution

A Michigan National Guard team has been deployed to Liberia for the past two years, and the mission is to help the country get back on its feet. The task is challenging. There are multiple factors to consider, including the culture, language and customs of the people, as well as the economic situation of the country. These factors, along with the logistics, make it difficult to conduct an effective training exercise, so it is imperative to develop a comprehensive study plan to evaluate the mission's progress. In order to accomplish this, this article will review the following steps:

Case Study Solution

Mission in Flux: Michigan National Guard in Liberia case study highlights the US military's role in responding to the Ebola crisis. It examines the role of the National Guard in providing mentorship and leadership to Liberian soldiers and other officials.

This partnership was formed in 2009, when the Michigan National Guard teamed up with the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL). The two militaries share best practices, participate in multinational exercises, and exchange resources and expertise. AFL personnel have been trained by both the U.S. Government and the Michigan National Guard, and have been assigned to Liberia as part of the State Partnership Program.

The Michigan National Guard currently has seven commissioned officers and one enlisted Soldier serving in Liberia. Their assignment is to serve as mentors to the Liberian military. They will provide guidance, advice, and mentorship to senior leaders. In addition, they will advise the U.S. Embassy in Monrovia and assist with vaccination campaigns.

Major General Paul Rogers, the Adjutant General of the Michigan Army and Air National Guard, provided reporters with a briefing on the program. He noted that the Michigan Guard will be involved in a number of international activities, including humanitarian relief, training, and multinational exercises.

The Michigan National Guard is entering its fifth year of the State Partnership Program with the Armed Forces of Liberia. As a result of this relationship, Michigan Soldiers will continue to build a global presence for the AFL.

Porters Five Forces

Michigan National Guard soldiers are deploying to Liberia, as part of the state's partnership with the West African nation. The Michigan Army National Guard 1430th Engineer Company has been slated to spend the next few months in the country, assisting in the construction of new barracks buildings and helping Liberian engineers improve their respective country's infrastructure.

As for the mission, the Michigan National Guard is about to enter its fifth year of the State Partnership Program, which aims to foster a lasting relationship between Michigan and Liberia. It's a long-standing relationship that began in 2010, when Michigan became the first state to join the Armed Forces of Liberia.

The best part of this Michigan National Guard deployment is the quality of life improvements it is bringing to the Liberian people. This includes improved infrastructure and living conditions, such as the swanky new medical facility being built by Michigan's AFL engineering battalion.

Not to be outdone, the state's Air National Guard 127th Wing transported the state's Soldiers to their destinations. In all, there are 3,000 active members and another 2,000 in rotation. These troops are expected to be in the country through February. They are also the proud proprietors of the wackiest-looking military vehicle you've ever seen.

Of course, a national guard mission to Africa presents its own set of challenges. In addition to the standard military issues, the Guard is confronted with changing objectives and shifting circumstances.

Financial Analysis

A financial analysis of the Michigan National Guard mission in Liberia suggests that the monetary value of the award may not be as great as first thought. The mission was set up in 2003 as part of a UN peacekeeping effort, and it was meant to monitor a number of peace deal elements, such as the travel ban and arms embargo. It was also required to check the arms provided to the Liberian security forces. In addition to that, it was supposed to report back to the sanctions committee on a number of things, such as the best way to track the travel ban and the most efficient way to monitor the arms embargo.

Among other things, the mission was meant to monitor the travel ban, which included monitoring the travel of foreign combatants and their demobilization. Other peace-related activities it was mandated to carry out include a survey of the state of the Liberian security sector and the corresponding reforms. Additionally, the mission was mandated to pass on information to other UN peacekeeping missions in Cote d'Ivoire and Sierra Leone.


The Michigan National Guard mission in Liberia is a great opportunity to help the country improve the security of its people. In the context of a civil war that claimed 250,000 lives, a peace agreement was achieved in 2003. However, despite this progress, weapons flows are still a concern in the subregion. There have been several cases of drug trafficking, and the availability of small arms and light weapons has fueled overlapping conflicts in Cote d'Ivoire and Liberia. These countries have been financed through the trafficking of natural resources, and the use of child soldiers and mercenaries has also been a contributing factor in the conflict.

Although the resolutions to lift the arms embargo in Liberia have been implemented, the panel of experts on the implementation of the sanctions said there are still issues with law and order, such as the activities of ex-combatants. As a result, they stressed the need to improve security sector reform. A comprehensive national action plan to control small arms and light weapons is also necessary, the experts said. They emphasized the need for monitoring the borders of Liberia with Sierra Leone, as well as demobilization and repatriation of foreign ex-combatants. Similarly, they suggested strengthening the arms embargo and providing information on compliance by all member states.

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